주거생활양식에 대한 이론적 접근

Theoretical Approach about Housing Life Style

  • 이연복 (경희대학교 아동·주거학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.08.01


This study is a theoretical approach by literature about life style and housing life style. The purpose of this research is making an analysis model of housing life style which can be used as a conceptual framework in empirical study. the theme of‘Life style’was studied mainly in the area of consumerism and housing. Model was made to explore the sub-domain of new analysis model by the microsociological approach. As results, 1) Independent variable of housing life style research model must be selected to be possible of comparison in effect of objective and subjective variable and in effect of predictive function and well-being function of housing life style. 2) Sub-domain of housing life style must be consisted of value orientation of family life, consumption in house, consumer durables, furniture., and propensity to using space. 3) Conceptual model of housing life style must be tested in empirical study to know what is the housing adjustment behavior of individual family, to improve quality of housing life and to suggest housing policy for family as a consumer.
