This study was performed to investigate influence of the changes of head posture on resting electromyographic (EMG) activity in anterior temporalis, masseter, sternocleidomastoid muscle and trapezius, and on status of occlusal contacts. For this study twenty-nine patients with temporomandibular disorders(TMD) and thirty dental students without any masticatory symptoms were selected as patients group and control group, respectively. EMG activity($\mu$V) at rest was observed in four kind of head postures such as natural or normal head posture(NHP), forward head posture(FHP), upward head posture(UHP), downward head posture(DHP), and in NHP and FHP, EMG activity with flat occlusal splint was also checked. BioEMG$^\textregistered$(Bioelectromyograph, Bioresearch Inc., USA) was used to record EMG activity in the above four muscles with eight locations on both sides. The author used T-Scan$^\textregistered$(Tekscan Co., USA) system to investigate the changes of oclusal contats on clenching in the four head postures about number, force, time(duration) and total left-right statistis(TLR, occlusal stability crossing left-right dental arch on clenching). For taking in upward or downward head posture, head was inclined $10^{\circ}$ upward or downward and CROM$^\textregistered$ (cervical-range-of motion, Performance attainment Inc., USA) was used to maintain same posture during the procedure. The results obtained were as follows : 1. For resting EMG activity, anterior temporalis did not show any difference by change of head posture, but masseter and sternocleidomastoid muscle showed higher value of EMG activity in FHP and UHP, and trapezius showed higher value of EMG activity in FHP and DHP. 2. EMG activity of trapezius was higher than that of any other muscles in NHP, FHP, and DHP, but in UHP, the activity was the lowest reversely. 3. Patients group showed higher EMG activity than control group did in all the muscles in NHP. And significant difference between the two groups were also observed in anterior temporalis in FHP, in sternocleidomastoid muscle in UHP, and in sterno-cleidomastoid muscle and trapezius in DHP with higher activity in patients group. 4. There was no change of EMG activity in NHp with splint, but EMG activity in anterior temporalis and masseter was decreased in FHP with splint. 5. In general, status of occlusal contacts was not changed with head posture in all subjects, and difference between patients group and control group was only noted for number and force of tooth contact in UHP and DHP with more value in control group. 6. Correlationship between EMG activity and number ad force of tooth contacts was shown negatively with regard to masseter in NHP, and trapezius in UHP and DHP.