Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 25
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- Pages.143-166
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- 1996
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
천부경의 본의해석
Recently Orientalism becomes the center of public interest. So many books related to Cheon Pu Kyung(천부경) are published in Korea. But the present writer thinks that such literature doesn#t communicate us, as it is, the original meaning of Cheon Pu Kyung. Most specialists concentrate on not so much the original text interpretation as annotation in reference to Cheon Pu Kyung. If so, it is difficult for us to find out precisely the real intention of it. Consequently the present writer in the interpretation of Cheon Pu Kyung makes plans to carry out the real intention interpretation and annotation based on Cheon Pu Kyung interpretation of Seok-Kok(석곡) Lee, Kyu-Jun(이규준). Together, the contents on which this article is based on were investigated as follows: 1. words go into 2. the limit of the original text interpretation 3. why does it need the real intention interpretation of Cheon Pu Kyung 4. the interpretative limit of Cheon Pu Kyung literature 5. Cheon Pu Kyung interpretation of Seok-Kok(석곡) Lee, Kyu-Jun(이규준) 6. words go out.