Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 25
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- Pages.405-439
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- 1996
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
A study on the revival of learning policy of Kwang-Hae-Kun
광해군조의 문예진흥 정책
During his reign, Kwang-Hae-Kun has done various works to promote literature and book acquisition. Among those works is the establishment of a special office called 'Tok Seo Dang' as he was enthroned in 1608, though it was demolished in 1622. And 'Seo Chuk Kyo In To Kam' was built to recover the scattered and lost books. He encouraged the people to collect and publish books by rewarding those who were engaged in a sort of library works. Their primary responsibility was to collect rare and essential resources, seek the material even in China and publish them using metal printing type. They even sought the diaries and newsletters which the individuals kept at their house. The collected materials were first copied and then kept in 'Shilok' shrine. Among the imported books are Dae Myung Hoi Chon, Chon Choo Sa Chon, Tong Kam Chan Yo, Du Si Tong Chon, Ok Hae, Mun Seon, Hak Hae, Lim Geo Man Rok and some were without titles. Majority of the compiled materials were medical books and geographies like Shin Cheung Tong Kak Yeu Chi Seung Ram, Tong Eui Po Kam, etc. Because of this strenuous effort, they were able to collect and retrieve lots of books and materials between 1608 and 1623. Majority of the published books were of Confucianism(13) which were followed by Political and Legal items(5), Historical documents(3), literature (3), etc. Regarding our library history, one should never forget Kwang-Hae-Kun's significant and remarkable contribution to it.