저염식단의 나트륨과 칼륨 함량의 계산치와 정량치 비교

Differences between Estimated and Analyzed Contents of Sodium and Potassium in the Salt-Restricted Diet

  • 김을상 (단국대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 조금호 (서울 적십자병원 영양실) ;
  • 박미아 (단국대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.06.01


This study was undertaken to evaluate estimated and analyzed contents of sodium and potassium in the salt-restricted diet using "Food exchange sheet fro control of protein, sodium and potassium" for renal disease patients. Average food intake per day in the salt-restricted diet was 2, 241.2$\pm$68.4g, and water content of meals per day was 2, 082.7$\pm$144.3g including 297.7$\pm$91.1g of metabolic water from protein, fat and carbohydrate. Fried food showed higher weight change than that of the other kinds of food during cooking. Estimated and analyzed content of sodium were 656.4$\pm$273.2mg, 675.7$\pm$195.3mg, respectively ; those of potassium were 2, 198.3$\pm$37.3mg, 2, 142.3$\pm$162.4mg, respectively. Fried squid showed the lowest content of analyzed sodium and potassium compared with the estimated contents. The highest content of sodium was honeyed juice with apple, whereas the highest content of potassium was Mulkimchi. There was also no significant differences between analyzed and estimated content of sodium, as in case of potassium(p<0.05). Side dish and main dish made great contribution to sodium contents and the side dish and dessert were major source for potassium.potassium.



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