- Advances in Applied Mechanics v.9 On Non-linear Vibrations of Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom Rosenberg,R.M.
- International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics v.9 A Direct Method for nonlinear Normal Modes Rand,R.H.
- Ph.D. Thesis Analysis and Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Normal Modes in Vibtating Systems Vakakis,A.
- Journal of Sound and Vibration v.149 The Effects of Large Vibration Amplitudes on the Mode Shapes and Natural Frequencies of Thin Elastic Structure, Part Ⅰ: Simply Supported and Clamped-Clamped Beams enamar,R.;Bennouna,M.M.K.;White,R.G.
- Journal of Sound and Vibration v.164 no.1 Normal Modes for Nonlinear Vibrating Systems Shaw,S.W.;Pierre,C.
- Journal of Sound and Vibration v.169 Normal modes Vibration for Nonlinear Continuous Systems Shaw,S.W.;Pierre,C.
- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics v.116 On nonlinear Modes of Continuous Systems Nayfeh,A.H.;Nayfeh,S.A.
- Applied Nonlinear Dynamics Nayfeh,A.H.
- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics v.116 An Energy Based Formulation for Computing Nonlinear Normal Modes in undamped Continuous Systems King,M.E.;Vakakis,A.