Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
- 제3권2호
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- Pages.168-174
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- 1996
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- 2384-1079(pISSN)
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- 2384-1087(eISSN)
무균성 뇌막염에서 증상발현부터 진단까지 걸린 시간에 따른 시기별 유병기간의 검토
A Comparative Study according to Diagnostic Time on Meningitis
- 김탁수 (부산 성분도병원 소아과) ;
- 허지연 (부산 성분도병원 소아과) ;
- 박영희 (부산 성분도병원 소아과) ;
- 정민구 (부산 성분도병원 소아과) ;
- 김성원 (부산 성분도병원 소아과)
- Kim, Tag Soo (Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital) ;
- Hur, Ji Yeon (Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital) ;
- Park, Young Hee (Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital) ;
- Jung, Min Goo (Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital) ;
- Kim, Sung Won (Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital)
- 발행 : 1996.11.20
Purpose : Aseptic meningitis is relatively frequent in children and caused mostly by enterovirus. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of early diagnosis (spinal tapping) on symptom duration of childhood aseptic meningitis. Methods : One hundred fifty-three children who were hospitalized due to aseptic menigitis in the Department of Pediatrics St. Benedict Hospital from July 1996 through October 1996 were included in this study. Patients were divided to two groups according to the duration from first symptom onset to diagnosis. Early diagnosis group is diagnosed within 3 days from first symptom onset. Later diagnosis group is diagnosed after 4 days from first symptom onset. Results : 1) The average age of these patients was 4.3 years old in early diagnosis group and 4.1 years old in later diagnosis group. The sex ratio(male: female) was 2.04:1 in early diagnosis group and 2.5:1 in later diagnosis group. 2) The mean duration of diagnosis of this study was 2.04 day in early diagnosis group and 5.12 day in later diagnosis group. 3) The percentage of symptom and sign of the early diagnosis group were fever(100%), headache(88.4%), vomiting(86.9%), abdominal pain(39%), neck stiffness(36.2%), skin rash(18.8%), diarrhea(16.9%) and that of later diagosis group were fever(100%), headache(83.3), vomiting(80.9%), abdominal pain(47.6%), neck stiffness(41.6%), skin rash(29.7%), diarrhea(16.6%). 4) Initial CSF findings revealed leukocyte