Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
- 제3권2호
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- Pages.175-184
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- 1996
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- 2384-1079(pISSN)
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- 2384-1087(eISSN)
소아의 연령증가에 따른 볼거리 및 풍진 항체
Mumps & Rubella-specific IgG in MMR Vaccinees
- 전혜원 (고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
- 신영규 (고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
- 이강우 (고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
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(고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실) ;
(고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실)
- Cheon, Haewon (Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Hospital) ;
- Sin, Yeong-Gyu (Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Hospital) ;
- Lee, Kangwoo (Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Hospital) ;
- Lee, Youngkyoo (Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Hospital) ;
Chung, Jitae
(Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Hospital) ;
Tockgo, Youngchang
(Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Hospital)
- 발행 : 1996.11.20
Purpose : This study was intended to measure seropositivities and the levels of mumps- and rubella-specific IgG of MMR vaccinees over 17 months of age in Korea. Materials and Methods : From June 1994 to April 1995 we obtained sera from visitors of well baby clinic and patients in Korea University Hospital, who were MMR vaccinees over 17 months of age and had no evidence of immunodeficiency. These 275 study population include 145 males and 130 females. Mumps- and rubella-specific IgG antibody levels were measured by ELISA. Cut-off values for seropositivity were 20 GU(Gamma Unit) in mumps and 0.17 in rubella. Results : 1) As age increased, seropositivities of mumps-specific IgG increased significantly, being 69.0% in 1.5~2 year, 75.0% in 3~4 year, 76.0% in 5~6 year, 90.0% in 7 year, 100% in 8 year, 96.9% in 9 year, 97.4% in 10 year, 97.4% in 11 year, and 96.6% in 12 year of age(p<0.001). 2) As age increased, the levels of mumps-specific IgG antibody(mean