팔미원의 in vitro 면역조절 작용

In vitro Immunomodulating Effects of PALMIWON

  • 이인순 (포항공과대학교 생명과학과) ;
  • 이인자 (대구효성 가톨릭대학교 약학대학)
  • Lee, Ihn-Soon (College of Pharmacy, Catholic University of Taegu-Hyoseung) ;
  • Rhee, In-Ja (Department of Life Scienc, Pohang University of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


PALMIWON is composed of 8 oriental herbs which has been known to show some pharmacological effects in kidney, blood vessels and immune systems, and used for the treatment of kid ney disease, hypertension, nervous disease and diabetic mellitus in the Orient for a long time. Based on our previous report that PALMIWON showed different effects on immune cells and ${\beta}$-cells, the immunoreactivity of ICSA (Islet Cell Surface Antibody) with ${\beta}$-cell (RINm5F) and the cell proliferation and function of interleukin-1${\beta}$ damaged ${\beta}$-cells in the presence of PALMIWON were examined. It was observed that PALMIWON significantly inhibited the immunoreactivity of ICSA with ${\beta}$-cell, and markedly increased cell proliferation and insulin release of interleukin-1${\beta}$ damaged ${\beta}$-cells.



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