On the Log-Associated School Fishery of Korean Tuna Purge Seiners

한국 다랭이 선망어선의 유목조업에 관하여

  • Moon Dae Yeon (National Fisheries Research and Development Agency) ;
  • LEE Jang Uk (National Fisheries Research and Development Agency) ;
  • KIM Jong Bin (National Fisheries Research and Development Agency)
  • Published : 1996.03.01


The proportion of log-associated school catches by Korean tuna purse seiners in the western Pacific has shown a declining trend until recent years. During the period $1990\~1995$, log-associated school catches contributed $34.6\%$ to the total Korean tuna purse seine catch, representing quite a low level compared to the early phase of the purse seine fishery. Species compositions of both log-associated and free-school catches showed that skipjack, Katswonus pelamis, was dominant species and yellowfin, Thunnus albacares, followed, with the small amount of bigeye tunas, T. obesus, Yellowfin proportion was higher in free-school catches than in log-associated school catches. Log-associated school catches monitored during the scientific observation period were made of $60\%$ skipjack, $38\%$ yellowfin, and $2\%$ bigeye tunas, indicating the low skipjack and high yellowfin proportion compared with historical fisheries data based on logbooks. A total of 11 by-catch species were identified, of which sharks occurred together with tunas in all sets and yellowtail kingfish was the most abundant by-catch species. From the length distribution it was found that small yellowfin less than 70 cm mainly distributed around floating objects.

한국 다랭이 선망어선의 유목군 조업 비율은 최근 까지 점차 감소 추세에 있으며 $1990\~1995$년간의 유목군 어획 비율은 전체 어획량의 $34.6\%$로 선망어업 초기와 비교해 볼 때 상당히 낮았다. 어획 어종의 조성에서는 유목군 및 부상군 조업에서 다같이 가다랭이가 가장 많이 어획되었고 그 다음 황다랭이 그리고 소량의 눈다랭이가 어획되었다. 황다랭이의 어획 비율은 부상군 조업이 유목군 조업보다 높았다. 승선 조사 시의 유목군 조업의 어획 어종의 조성은 가다랭이 $60\%$, 황다랭이 $38\%$, 눈다랭이 $2\%$로 조업 실적 자료보다 가다랭이는 낮았고 황다랭이는 높았다. 유목군 조업에서 혼획된 종은 모두 11종이었으며 그중 상어류가 전 투망 시에 어획되었고 yellowtail kingfish가 마리수로는 가장 많이 어획되었다. 황다랭이의 체장 조성을 비교하였을 때 소형 황다랭이는 주로 유목 주변에 분포하는 것으로 나타났다.
