Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology (한국식품과학회지)
- Volume 29 Issue 6
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- Pages.1228-1235
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- 1997
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- 0367-6293(pISSN)
Standardization of Ingredient Ratios of Chinese Cabbage Kimchi
배추김치의 재료배합비 표준화
- Cho, Eun-Ju (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, and Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University) ;
- Park, Kun-Young (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, and Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University) ;
- Rhee, Sook-Hee (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, and Kimchi Research Institute, Pusan National University)
- Published : 1997.12.01
This study was conducted to standardize the proper ingredient ratios of chinese cabbage kimchi by the sensory evaluation, chemical properties, and functional properties of antimutagenic effect and inhibitory effect on the growth of cancer cells from the ratios obtained from literatures. The standardized ratios of ingredient from the literatures was 13.0 of radish, 2.0 of green onion, 3.5 of red pepper powder, 1.4 of garlic, 0.6 of ginger, 2.2 of anchovy juice, 1.0 of sugar and the final salt concentration 2.7 in the proportion of 100 salted chinese cabbage. The standardized ratio of the ingredients exhibited better overall acceptability and less moldy smell and moldy flavor than any other ratio of ingredient in the sensory evaluation. The standardized kimchi with the above ratios of the ingredients, at final salt concentration of 2.5%, showed high reducing sugar contents and Leuconostoc sp. counts. All juices of the chinese cabbage kimchi showed not only high antimutagenicity against aflatoxin
문헌을 이용한 표준화 배추 김치의 배합비를 표준 값으로 하고 표준편차 만큼의 양을 가감하여 관능검사 및 이화학적 실험과 기능성 실험으로 항돌연변이성과 항암성을 평가하여 배추김치의 재료배합비를 표준화하였다. 절인 배추 100에 대해 무 13.0, 파 2.0, 설탕 1.0, 고춧가루 3.5, 마늘 1.4, 생강 0.6, 멸치액젓 2.2, 염도 2.5% 또는 2.7%로 조절한 배추김치의 경우가 관능검사에서 주관적인 평가항목인 종합적인 냄새, 향미, 질감과 종합적인 평가에 있어서 좋았고, 객관적 평가항목인 군덕내, 군덕맛이 적게 감지되었으며, 이화학적 실험결과 및 재료배합비에 따른