A Study on the Standardization of Ligustici Rhizoma and Angelicae Tenuissimae Radix including the Comparison for the Biological Activity on the Active Ingredients

Ligustici Rhizoma(고본(藁本))와 Angelica tenuissimae Radix(한국고본(韓國藁本)뿌리)의 규격화(規格化) 및 유효성분(有效成分)의 진통효과(鎭痛效果) 비교(比較)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • 김관호 (경희대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 이상인 (경희대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 김호철 (경희대학교 한의과대학 본초학교실) ;
  • 박호군 (한국과학기술연구원 응용과학연구부) ;
  • 이재성 (한국과학기술연구원 특성분석센터)
  • Published : 1997.04.30


Major separation for the active ingredients and characterization of chemical properties in conjunction with screening test on animal were performed in order to analyze and standardize Ligustici Rhizoma or Angelicae Tenuissimae Radix as an important oriental herbal medicine for antiphlogistic or an important oriental herbal medicine for antiphlogistic or an anodyne. Furthermore the structure, composition and contents of ingredients for essential oil in Angelicae Tenuissimae Radix(Suckpo, Korea) were determined by means of Ge/MS followed by screening test on Z-ligustilide(82%) known as major ingredient as well as butylidenephthalide collected by HPLC with normal phase semiprep-column. The total active ingredient in Ligustici Rhizoma from China or Angelicae Tenuissimae harvested at Choonyang(Kyungnam, Korea), Jungsun(Kangwon, Korea), Suckpo(Kyungnam Korea), Youngchun(Kyungnam, Korea) have been determined showing higher abundant for three times on the product in Korea compared to that in China. In addition, the major component in Ahgelicae Tebyussunae Radux extract was found to be Z-ligustilide(70-80%) which is very different from that in Ligustici Rhizoma senkyunolide(39%) as major species. For screening test of Ligustici Rhizoma or Angelicae Tenuissimae Radix extracts toward the target animal, the efficiency has been shown the similarity on both extracts. Taking into account the level of ingredient, the total efficiency may be three times higher on Angelicae Tenuissimae Radix in Korea compared to Ligustici Rhizoma in China. As a result of present study, it is preferable to distinguish between Ligustici Rhizoma and Angelicae Tenuissimae Radix for better usage of oriental herbal medicine because of very different composition and abundant in spite of their similar screening effect.



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