The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
- Volume 9 Issue 1
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- Pages.147-156
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- 1997
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- 1229-0475(pISSN)
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- 2287-156X(eISSN)
The Effect of Blood cleaning therapy for Blood Latate Concentration
청혈요법이 혈중젖산 농도에 미치는 영향
- Baek Seung-Ryong (Department of Physical Therapy, Techone Baek Oriental Clinic) ;
Park Rae-Joon
(Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Science, Taegu University) ;
- Kim Tae-Sook (Taegu Bogun School for the Physical Handicapped)
- Published : 1997.08.01
The purpose of this study is to determine the difference of reduction in lactic acid of blood in the course of time 1)whoa applying the blood cleaning therapy during recovery after anaerobic exercise, 2)when applying the massage during recovery after anaerobic exercise, and 3)while taking a rest during recovery after anaerobic exercise, respectively. The subject of this study consists of 30 men who are divided into three groups such as group 1(n=10) for the blood cleaning therapy, group 2(n=10) for the massage and group 3(n=10) for rest. The blood-gathering was performed over four times ; during rest, immediately after unaerobic exercise, and at 10 and 15 minutes during recovery. The results were summarized as fellows. 1. There was reduction in lactic acid when applying the blood cleaning therapy during recovery after anaerobic exercise. And remarkable differences were shown from immediately after exercise to at 10 and 15 minutes during recovery(p<0.01 and p<0.001, respectively). 2. There was also reduction in lactic acid when applying the massage during recovery after anaerobic exercise. No difference wan shown from immediately after exercise to at 10 minutes during recovery. However a remarkable difference was shown from immediately after exercise to at 15 minutes during recovery(p<0.05). 3. The rest group which took a rest during recovery after anaerobic exercise did not show any difference from immediately after exercise to at 10 and 15 minutes during recovery.