- Planta Med. v.61 In vitro antimalarial activity of quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia against Malaysian chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum isolates Ang,H.H.;Chan,K.L.;Mak,J.W.
- J. Ethnopharmacol. v.49 Effect of 7-day daily replacement of culture medium containing Eurycoma longifolia Jack constituents on the Malaysian Plasmodium falciparum isolates Ang,H.H.;Chan,K.L.;Mak,J.W.
- J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. v.52 Effect of ejaculation on sexual behaviour in the male rat Beach,E.A.;Whalen,R.E.
- Planta Med. v.52 Plants as sources of antimalarial drugs. Part 3. Eurycoma longifolia Jack Chan,K.L;O'Neill,M.J.;Phillipson,J.D.;Warhurst,D.C.
- Phytochem. v.28 A quassinoid glycoside from the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Chan,K.L.;Lee,S.P.;Sam,T.W.;Han,B.H.
- Paper presented at the 11th Chemical Seminar on Natural Products, proceedings Antipyretic Activity of Quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia Jack Chan,K.L.;Lee,S.P.;Yuen,K.H.
- Experientia v.41 The dopamine autoreceptor agonist B-HT 920 markedly stimulates sexual behaviour in male rats Ferrari,F.;Baggio,G.;Mangiafico,V.
- A Dictionary of Malayan Medicine Gimlette,J.D.;Thomson,J.W.(eds.)
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.40 Cytotoxic Quassinoids and Tirucallance-Type Triterpenes from the Woods of Eurycoma longifolia Itokawa,H.;Kishi,E.;Morita,H.Takeya,K.
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.41 Novel Quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia Itokawa,H.;Oin,X.R.;Morita,H.;Takeya,K.;Iitaka,Y.
- J. Nat. Prod. v.54 Cytotoxic and antimalarial constituents of the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Kardono,L.B.S.;Angerhofer,C.K.;Tsauri,S.;Padmawinata,K.;Pezzuto,J.M.;Kinghorn,D.
- Physiol. Behav. v.39 An Improved Chamber for the Observation and Analysis of the Sexual Behavior of the Female Rat Mendelson,S.D.;Gorzalka,B.B.
- Excerpta Medical international Congress, serial no. 219 Hormonal Steroidas Meyerson,B.J.;Lindstorm,L.;V.H.T.James(ed.);L.Martini(ed.)
- Act. Physiol. Scand. Suppl. v.389 Sexual motivation in the female rat Meyerson,B.J.;Lindstorm,L.
- Chem. Lett v.5 New Quassinoids from the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Morita,H.;Kishi,E.;Takeya,K.;Itokawa,H.;Itaka,Y.
- Phytochem. v.34 Squalence derivatives from the Eurycoma longifolia Morita,H.;Kishi,E.;Takeya,K.;Itokawa,H.;Iitaka,Y.
- J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. v.73 Temporal patterning of sexual behaviour in the male rat Sachs,B.D.;Barfield,R.J.
- Statistics for Health Professionals Schefler,W.C.
- Eur. J. Med. Chem. v.26 New antiulcer quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia Tada,H.;Yasuda,F.;Otani,K.;Doteuchi,M.;Ishihara,Y.;Shiro,M.