Simulating Crop Yield and Probable Damage From Abnormal Weather Conditions

이상기후에 따른 농작물의 수확량 및 재해발생 확률의 추정

  • Published : 1997.06.01


Potential impacts for unfavourable weather conditions and the assessment of the magnitudes of their adverse effects on crop yields were studied. EPIC model was investigated for its capability on crop yield predictions for rice and soybean. Weather generationmodel was used to generate long-term climatic data. The model was verified with ohserved climate data of Suwon city. Fifty years weather data including abnormal conditions were generated and used for crop yield simulation by EPIC model. Crop yield probability function was derived from simulated crop yield data, which followed normal distribution. Probable crop yield reductions due to abnormal weather conditions were also analyzed.



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