Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 26
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- Pages.23-56
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- 1997
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
국.공립도서관 비교평가연구 -전국 46개 4년제 대학도서관을 중심으로-
The purpose of this study is put emphasis on the importance of the library statistics. e. g., more than ten related current library statistics were inaccurated each other, so whole of statistic figures is not to be trusted. This research is make an attempt to more accurate information about library situations. Especially, with special reference to basic library statistics in the [Bulletin of National & College University libraries](Vol. 1-14, 1983-96, published by Council on National College & University Libraries), take the 24 major factors to compare and evaluate with 46 national and public university libraries. Analyzing 24 factors including 5 subjects. These subjects are as follows: 1) Total numbers of staffs with faculty members and students enrollment 2) Whole library collection of monographs and serial and publishcations. 3) Annual university budgets and library material expenditures. 4) Library facilities and building square measure. 5) Library service situation with circulation, inter-library loan/borrow and monograph D/B build up.