Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 26
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- Pages.131-168
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- 1997
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Bibliotherapy for human nature therapy of the juvenile delinquent
비행청소년 인성치료를 위한 독서요법
The future of a country is influenced by the youth. Sound fostering of the youth is important for the country's future. Because of mechanization, industrialization and urbanization of our society, many social problems, such as confusion of the sense of value, dehumanization, money worshi n.0, ppings, juvenile delinquency are increasing. For the solution of problems of juvenile crime and dehumanization, bibliotherapy should be practiced in juvenile reformatories, schools and societies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness and value of reading. And also the characteristics, brief history, principles and procedures of bibliotherapy are examined. In addition, the book catalog suitable for bibliotherapy is considered. The results of the study are as follows. (1) In order to solve the problem of dehumanization, and the confusion of the sense of value among young adults, we should enrich and cultivate the characters of young adults through the bibliotherapy. So, bibliotherapy for the treatment of human nature of juveniles should be practiced in the juvenile reformatories, schools and societies. (2) The values of reading in the past were inspiration, information and recreation. But, in recent times, the interest in therapeutic value of reading is increasing. (3) Bibliotherapy is a kind of psychotherapy using selected reading materials. A n.0, pplication scopes of bibliotherapy are very wides, including mental medicine, alcoholic poisoning, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, counselling and education for school life, etc. (4) The principles of bibliotherapy consist of identification, catharsis, insight and it has self therapeutic principles through the reading. The procedures of bibliotherapy is similar to any other kind of psychotherapy: the participant's statement, diagnosis, treatment, continuous recognition of remedial value. (5) The well suited reading materials for bibliotherapy are literature and biography. Literature and biography are familiar to everyone, because they describe the mentalities, emotions and life styles of human beings. (6) The standard reading lists for bibliotherapy for the proper guidance of juvenile delinquency should be prepared for the solution of developmental tasks, such as, drinking, smoking, friendship, family, love, money, marriage, pregnancy, violence, etc. Finally, Bibliotherapy should be introduced to our school settings and corrections institutions for the proper guidance and prevention of the malpractice of the youths. In addition, we should be endeavor to develop the standard reading lists for bibliotherapy and case study.