Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 26
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- Pages.505-540
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- 1997
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
문헌정보학의 학문적 역할 및 위치 -이용자 연구 중심의 문헌정보학-
The library collects relevant documents, organizes these documents, retrieves and provides relevant documents, and helps the user use provided documents. These library activities are the distribution process of relevant documents in a society, and the role of library science is to deal with several problems in this process. This process is to facilitate the production of socially relevant documents, to select documents relevant to an individual user, and to enable the user to use the selected documents. As a result, this process should be based on the concept of "relevance". As a result, the academic role of library science should be considered based on "relevance". "Relevance" is getting more important to meet the change of the environment of library services, which is getting more complex and changing rapidly because of the computer and the computer network. It is true that these are very important tool for document distribution. However, the problems in the document distribution can not be solved only by the simple development of these tools because these have been caused by the simple development of these tools. These problems can be solved only through many studies of the user, which is the destination of document distribution, and through a n.0, pplying the results of these studies to designing these tools.dies to designing these tools.