한국도서관정보학회지 (Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society)
- 제27권
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- Pages.61-95
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- 1997
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
도서관의 미래상에 대한 담론 및 쟁점의 분석과 형상화
Analysis of discussion and dispute on the future library model in Korea
The purpose of this paper is to overview a recent dispute of the library of the 21st century in Korea and to suggest a desirable model of the future library. There are two visions of the future of library. The first is an access based library model(digital library) emphasizing the digital resources that are networked and browsable electronically. The second is an ownership-based library model(paper library) which emphasize the use of traditional print collections stored locally and physically browsable. A points of dispute between the paper library as storehouse and the digital library as gateway are an electronic informations versus printed materials, access versus ownership, information professional versus librarians. The idea that library as physical place and as cyberspace are diametrically o n.0, pposed is a fallacy and surrealistic opinion. Future library has to acquire, organize, preserve, and make accessible the collections that users want and need. In other words, future libraries need both ownership and access. Access to remote electronic resources must serve as a reasonable substitute for holdings of older material. Therefore, it is a balanced solution that the more heavily used or important materials be considered for ownership and selective information resources for access. No doubt, the traditional library and the digital library will be coexist in the 21 century.