- Arch. Microbiol. v.105 Condition for induced fusion of fungal protoplasts in polyethylene glycol solution Anne, J.;J.F. Peberdy
- Nature v.262 Somatic hy-bridization of Penicillium roquefortii with P. chrysogenum after protoplast fusion Anne, J.;H. Eyssen;P. Desomer
- Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. v.77 Characterization of in-terspecific hybrids between Penicilliuum dhrysogenum and P. roquefortii by isoezyme analysis Anne, J.;J. F. Peberdy
- Advances in Protoplast Research Chracterization of hydrolase in protoplasts, mycelium, spores, and abberant tubes of Trichoderma viride Benitez, T.;I. Garcia-Acha;L. Ferenczy;G. L. Farkas (ed.)
- J. Gen. Mi-crobiol. v.129 As-pects of genetic interaction in hybrids of Aspergillus ni-dulans and A. rugulosus by protoplast fusion Bradshaw, R.E.;K-U. Lee;J.F. Peberdy
- Kor. J. Microbiol. v.19 no.4 Protoplast reversion of Trichoderma koningii Cho, N.T.;H.M. Park;Y.H. Rhee
- Production of cellulolytic enzymes by Penicillium ver-ruculosum v.60 Chung, K.C.;K. Kawai;S. Yoshima;Y. Eguchi
- Adv. Cargohydr. Chem. Biochem. v.32 Hemicelluases:Their occurrence, purification, properties and mode of ac-tion Dekker, R.F.H;G.N. Richards
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering v.115 Bioconversion of hemicellulose: As-pects of hemicellulase production by Trichoderma reesei QM 9414 and enzymic saccharification of hemicellulose Dekker, R.F.H
- Technology and Application. Symp. v.6 Enzymatic conversion of cellulosic materials Demain, A.L.
- Experientia v.32 Factors affecting high frequency fungal protoplast fusion Ferenczy, L.;F. Kevei;M. Franco;I. Rojik
- Curr. Microbiol. v.7 Transfer of nuclei into protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ferenczy, L.;M. Pesti
- 6th Inter. Protoplast symposium Current question of gene transfer via protoplast fusion in microorganism Ferenczy, L.
- Nature v.206 An improved di-phenylamine method for estimation of deoxyribonucleic acid Giles, K.W.;Myers
- Genetic of Industrial microdrganism Recombination studies with Cephalosporium acremonium Hamlyn, P.F.;C. Bull
- Kor. J. Microbiol. v.22 The coni-dial protoplast fusion of cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma koningii Hong, S.W.;Y.C. Hah;H. M. Park
- Nature v.268 Genetic recombination through protoplast in Streptomyces Hopwood, D.A.;H.M. wright;M.J. Bibb;S.M. Cohen
- J. Appl. Bacteriol. v.37 Lipase production and activity as a function of incubation time, pH. and tem-perature of four lipolytic microorganisms Jonsson, U.;B.G. Snygg
- Planta v.115 A method for high frequency intergeneric fusion of plant protoplasts Kao, K.N.;M.R. Michayuk
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.17 Synergistic effect of substrate on the biosynthesis of cel-luase and xylanase complexs from Aspergillus nidulans Lee, J.A.;J.S. Maeng;P. J. Maeng;Y. H. Rhee
- Theor. Appl. Genet v.53 Investigation on the transfer of isolated nuclei into protoplasts Lorz, H.;I. Potrycus
- M. S. thesis, Seoul National University Isolation and analysis of intra-and in-terspecific hybids in genus Trichoderma Min, K.R.
- J. Biochem. v.71 Production of extracelluar enzymes in mutans isolated from Trichoderma viride Nevalainen, K.M.H.;E.T. Palva
- Ph.D.thesis, Seoul National Uniersity Intra-and Interspecific protoplast fusion of celluloytic fungi, Trichoderma koningii and Tri-choderma reesei. Park, H.M.
- Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. v.67 no.1 Factors affecting protoplast release in some filamentous fungi Peberdy, J.F.;C.E. Buckley;D.C. Daltrey;P.M. Moore
- Protoplast fusion: A new approach in-terspecific genetic manipulation and breeding in fungi Peberdy, J.F.
- Study on interspecific hybrid formation by nuclear transfer in Aspergillus spp. Rho, H.S.
- Acta Histochemica v.23 Polyethylene glycol induced membrance fusion in yeast protoplasts Svoboda, A.
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.47 Protoplast fusion of Trichoderma reesei using im-mature conidia Toyama, H.;K. Yamaguchi;A. Shinmyo;H. Okada
- Method in Microbiol. v.4 Production and use of fungal protoplasts Vilanueva, J. R.;I. Garcia-Acta.;C. Booth (ed.)
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.17 Study on formation of Aspergillus nidulans hybrids by pro-toplast fusion and nuclear transfer Yang, Y.K.;Y. Park;Y.H. Rhee;P.J. Maeng