- 미생물과 산업 v.20 식품신소재의 바이오 생산 오태광
- 자연과학연구 v.10 미생물 배양액의 Erythitol 분석 이광준;주영란;임재윤
- 생물화공 v.9 no.4 미생물 발효의 의한 에리스리톨 생산공정의 개발 전영중;서승현
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek v.37 Po-lyol synthesis and taxanomic characters in the genus Moni-liella Dooms, L.;G.L. Hennebert;H. Verachtert
- Appl. Microbiol. v.12 Erythri-tol production by a yeastlike fungus Hajny, G.J.;J.H. Smith;J.C. Garver
- Z. Na-turforsch v.22B Lichen constituents XXXⅦ. Component of some species of Rocella Huneck, S.;G. Trotet
- Caries Res. v.26 Noncarcinogenicity of Erythritol as sub-strate Kawanabe, J.;M. Hirasawa;T. Takeuchi;T. Oda;T. Ikeda
- J. Reprod. Fert. v.13 no.2 D-Mannitol, sorbitol, and glycerol in bovine serum Klark, J.B.K.;E.F. Graham;B.A. Lewis;F. Smith
- Hakko Kyokaishi v.25 Production of polyalcohols by yeasts Onishi, H.
- Introduction to Food-Borne Fungi Robert, A.S.;S.H. Ellen;A.N. Connie van Oorshot
- Nippon nogeikagaku Kaishi v.63 no.6 Production and properties of erythritol ob-tained by Aureobasidium fermentation Sasaki, T.
- Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi v.62 Determination fo erythritol in fruits and fermented foods by high performance liquid chromatography Shindou, T.;Y. Sasaki;H. Miki;T. Eguchi;K. Ha-giwara;T. Ichikawa
- J. Food Hyg. Soc. v.29 Determination of erythritol in fermented foods by high performance liquid chro-matography Shindou, T.;Y. Sasaki;H. Miki;T. Eguchi;K. Ha-giwara;T. Ichikawa
- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.33 no.11 Pu-rification and properties of endo-polygalacturonase of As-pergillus niger cultured in medium containing Satsuma Mandarin Peel Hara, T.;J.Y. Lim;Y. Fujio;S. Ueda
- Nature v.166 no.4219 Detection of sugars on paper chromatograms Trevelyan, W.E.;D.P. Procter;J.S. Harrison
- hakkokogaku v.66 Erythritol producing by Aureobasidium sp. SN-115 Wako, K.;H. Ishizuka;G. Kawaguchi;N. Kubo;T. Kasumi;K. Hayashi
- Hakkokogaku v.66 Erythritol producing by Aureobasidium sp. SN-115 Wako, K.;H. Ishizuka;G. Kawaguchi;N. Kubo;T. Kasumi;K. Hayashi
- Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi v.31 Studies in free sugars and free sugar alcohols of mushrooms Yoshida, H.;T. Sugawara;J. Hayashi