- 이학박사학위논문, 서울대학교 Microcystis aeruginosa의 증식에 따른 대청호 생태계내의 생물군집변화 및 생물조작의 방안 김명운
- 미생물과 산업 v.21 일차생산과 군집의 조절과 생물조작 김명운;김상종
- Am. Nat. v.141 Effect of increased productivity on the abundances of trophic levels Abrams, P.A.
- Hydrobiologia v.59 Effects of planktivorous and benthivorous fish on organism and water chemistry in eutrophic lakes Andersson, G.;H. Berggren;G. Cronberg;C. Gelin
- Microbial ecology: fundamentals and applications (2nd) Altas, R.M.;R. Bartha
- Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. v.10 The ecological role of water-column microbes in the sea Azam, F.;T. Fenchel;J.G. Field;J.S. Gray;L.A. MeyerReil;F. Thingstad
- Lake and Reservoir Management v.5 Review of lake management in Minnesota Baker, L.A.;E.B. Swain
- Hydrobiologia v.200/201 Are blue-green algae a suitable food for zooplankton? an overview Bernardi,R.;G. Giussani
- Science v.150 predation, body size and composition of plankton Brooks, J.L.;S.I. Dodson
- Ecology v.70 Replication and treatment strength in whole-lake experiment Carpenter, S.R.
- Ecology v.68 Regulation of lake primary productivity by food web structure Carpenter, S.R.;J.F. Kitchell;J.R. Hodgson;P.A. Cochran;J.J. Elser;M.M. Elser;D.M. Lodge;D. Kretchmer;X. He;C.N. von Ende
- BioScience v.35 Cascading trophic interactions and lake productivity Carpenter, S.R.;J.F. Kitchell;J.R. Hodgson
- Am. Nat. v.129 The temporal scale of variance in lake producivity Carpenter, S.R.;J.F. Kitchell
- BioScience v.38 Consumer control of lake productivity Carpenter, S.R.;J.F. Kitchell
- Limnol. Oceanogr v.37 Trophic cascade and biomanipulation: interface of research and management Carpenter, S.R.;J.F. Kitchell
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.37 Biomanipulation;hit or myth? DeMelo, W.R.
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.36 Effects of toxic cyanobacteria and purified toxins on the survival and feeding of a copepod and three species of Daphnia DeMott, W.R.;Q.X. Zhang;W.W. Carmichael
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.29 Selective particle ingestion by a filter-feeding fish and its impact on phytoplankton community structure Drenner, R.W.;J. R. Mummert;F. DeNoyelles;Jr.;D. Kettle
- Limnol. Oceanogra. v.32 Experimental study of size-selective phytoplankton grazing by a filter-feeding cichlid and the cichlid's effects on plankton community structure Drenner, R.W.;K.D. Hambright;G.L. Vinyard;M. Gophen;U. Pollingher
- Arch. Hydrobiol. v.102 A bioamnipulaiton experiment in Great Lake, Seattle, Washington, USA Goad, J.A.
- Hydrobiologia v.191 Summary of the workshop on perspectives of biomanipulation in inland waters Gophen, M.
- Plankton and Fisheries Grahame, J.
- Am. Nat. v.142 Causeeffect relationships in energy flow, trophic structure and interspecific interactions Hairston, N.G.;Jr.;N.G. Hairston, Sr.
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.15 An experimental approach to the production dynamics and structure of freshwater animal communities Hall, D.J.;W.E. Cooper;E.E. Werner
- J. Plankton Res. v.7 An analysis of selective herbivory in an acid lake and its importance in controlling phytoplankton community sturcture Havens, K.;J. DeCosta
- Verh. Int. Verein.Theoret. Angrew. Limnol. v.20 The influence of the fish stock on the phosphorus-chlorophyll ratio Hrbacek, J.;B. Desortova;J. Popovsky
- Verh. int. Ver. Limnol. v.14 Demonstration of the effect of the fish stock on the species composition of zooplankton and the intersity of metabolism of the whole plankton assemblage Hrbacek, J.;M. Dvorakova;V. Korinek;L. Prochazkova
- Ecology v.73 Playing chutes and ladders: heteogeniety and the relative roles of bottom-up and top-down forces in natural communities Hunter, M.D.;P.W. Price
- Science v.175 Ecosystem slteration by mosquitofish (Gambusia afinis) predation Hurbert, S.H.;J. Zedler;D. Fairbanks
- J. Plankton Res. v.10 Cladoceran filtration rate-body length relations: model improvements developed for a Microcysitis-dominated hypertrophic reservoir Jarvis, A.C.;R.C. Hart;s. Combrink
- Hydrobiologia v.200/201 Fish manipulation as a lake restoration tool in shallow, eutrophic temperate lakes 1: cross-analysis o three Danish case-studies Jeppensen, E.;M. Sondergaard;E. Mortensen;P. Kristensen;B. Riemann;H.J. Jensen;J.P. Muller;O. Sortkjaer;J.p. Jensen;K. Christoffersen;S. Bosselmann;E. Dall
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.37 Toxic compounds isolated from Microcystis PCC7806 that are more active against Daphnia than two microcystins Jungmann, D.
- Oecologia(Berlin) v.69 Selective feeding of four zooplankton species on natural lake phytoplankton Knisely, K.;W. Geller
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.26 Predation, enrichment and phytoplankton community structure Lynch, M.;J. Shapiro
- Hydrobiologia v.264 Bacterioplankton interactions with Daphnia and algae in experimental enclosures Markosova, R.;J. Jezek
- Am. Nat. v.141 Internal versus external causes of dynamics in a freshwater plant-herbivore system McCauley, E.
- Freshwater Biol. v.23 Manipulating lake community structure; where do we go from here McQueen, D.J.
- Ecol. Monogr. v.59 Bottom-up and top-down impacts on freshwater pelagic community structure McQueen, D.J.;M.R.S. Johannes;J.R. Post;T.J. Stewart;D.R.S. Lean
- Ecology v.59 Community regulation : under what conditions are bottom-up factors important on rocky shores? Menge, B.A.
- BioScience v.24 The ocean's food web. a changing paradigm Pomeroy, L.R.
- Current perspective in microbial ecology Significance of microorganism in carbon and energy flow in marine ecosystems Pomeroy, L.R.;M.J. Klug;C.A. Reddy (ed.)
- J. Protozool. v.32 Protozoa in planktonic foodwebs Porter, K.G.;E.B. Sherr;B.F. Sherr;M. Pace;R. W. Sanders
- Ecology v.73 Top-down and bottom-up foreces in food webs: do plants have primacy? Power, M.E.
- Oikos v.50 A field manipulation of trophic interactions in rock-pool plankton Ranta, E.;S. Hallfors;V. Nuutinesn;G. Hallfors;K. Kivi
- Trans. Am. Fish. soc. v.111 The relation between fisheries management and limnology Rigler, F.H.
- Ecological Monographs v.3 Herbivore effects on phytoplankton succession in a eutrophic lake Sarnelle, O.
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.23 Factors regulating phytoplankton production and standing crop in the world's fresh-waters Schindler, D.W.
- Proceedings of a symposium on water quality management through biological control Biomanipulation: an ecosystem approach to lake restoration Shapiro, J.;B. Forsberg;V. Lamarra;G. Lindmark;M. Lynch;E. Smeltzer;G. Zoto;B.P.L. Brezonik;J. Fox (ed.)
- Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. v.55 Bacteriovory by pelagic choreotrichous ciliates in coastal waters of the NW Mediterranean Sherr, B.F.;F. Rassoulzadegan;B.F. Sherr
- Mar. Microb. Food. Webs v.1 Phagotrophic protozoa as food for metazoans: a 'missing' trophic link in marine pelagic food webs? Sherr, E.B.;B.F. Sherr;G.-A. Paffenhofer
- Can.Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.41 Role of fish in regulation of plant and animal communities in eutrophicponds Spencer, C.N.;D.L. King
- Verh. int. Ver. Limnol. v.20 Effects of fish removal from a small lake Stenson, J.A.;E.T. Bohlin;L. Henrkkson;B.I. Nilsson;H.G. Nyman;H>G. Oscarson;P. Larsson
- Ecology v.73 Are trophic cascades all wet? differentiation and donor-control in speciose ecosustems Strong, D.R.
- Ecology v.78 "Top-down" trophic interactions in lakes: effects of fish on nutrient dynamics Vanni, M.J.;C.D. Layne;S.E. Arnott
- Ecology v.78 Nutrient recycling and herbivory as mechanisms in the "top-down" effects of fish on algae in lakes Vanni, M. J.;C.D. Layne
- Can. J. Fish. aquat. Sci. v.45 An experimental study of the plankton community impacts of two filter-feeding cichlids, the Galilee Saint Peter's fish(Sarotherodon galilaeus) and Blue Tilapia (Tilapia aureus) Vinyard, G.L.;R.W. Drenner;M. Gophen;U. Pollingher;D. L. Winkelman;K.D. Hambright
- Hydrobiologia v.191 Trophic interactions among heterotrophic microplankton, nanoplankton and bacteria in Lake Constance Weiss, T.
- Limnol. Oceanogr. v.38 Potamocorbula amurensis: comparison of clearance rates and assimilation efficiencies for phytoplankton and bacterioplankton Werner, I.;J.T. Hollibaugh
- Limnological analysis (2nd) Wetzel, R.G.;G.E. Likens
- Ecological Monographs v.66 A trophic position model of pelagic food webs: impact on contaminant bioaccumulation in lake trout 1 Zanden, M.J.V.;J.B. Rasmussen.
- Sceience v.182 Species introduction in a tropical lake Zaret, T.M.;R.T. Pain
- Science v.182 Species introduction in a tropical lake Zaret, T.M.;R.T. Pain