- 한국대기보전학회지 v.12 서울지역 강수중 이온 성분 분석자료의 해석 강공언;이주희;김희강
- 한국대기보전학회지 v.13 서울지역 강수 산성도의 장기적인 경향분석 강공언;임재현;김희강
- 국립환경연구원보 v.12 대기오염물질의 장거리 이동과 산성비 강하에 관한 연구Ⅱ 김양균;강인구;이민희;나진균;이석조;한의정;한진석;신찬기;김정수;유승도;홍율기;정준화;이재인;박태술;권오영;강은희
- 국립환경연구원보 v.12 대기오염물질의 장거리 이동과 산성비 강하에 관한 연구II 김양균;강인구;이민희;나진균;이석조;한의정;한진석;신찬기;김정수;유승도;홍율기;정준화;이재인;박태술;권오영;강은희
- 한국생태학회지 v.20 no.1 산성토양 개량제 처리에 따른 식물의 생장반응과 토양성질의 변화 문형태;박병규;김준호
- 한국수질보전학회지 v.12 산성우에 의한 토양내의 이온 거동에 관한 연구 송승완;최찬섭;정형근;권영식
- 한국육수학회지 v.29 회분배양 시스템에서 산성화에 따른 세균군집의 변화 안영범;조홍범;최영길
- Kor. J. Microbiol. v.33 Effects of hydrogen ion on aquatic population of microbes in Korea Ahn, Y.B.;H.B. Cho;Y.K. Choi
- Standard methods for the examination of water and coast water(18th ed) American Public Health Association;American Water Works association;Water Environment Federation
- Advances in Microbial Ecology v.7 Diversity of microbial communities Atlas, R.M.
- Workshop for Environmental Science and Technology An International Collaborative Project on Acid Rain in Asia Carmichael, G.R.;M. Amann;A. Azimi;S.C. Bhattacharya;R.M. Shrestha;M. Chadwick;J. Kuylenstierna;S. Cinderby;W. Foell;C. Green;J.P. Hettelingh;L. Hordijk;J. Shah;M.P. Singh;D. Zhao
- J. Bacteriol v.101 Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria indigenous to pH 2.8 acid mine water; predominant slime-producing bacteria in acid streams Dugan, P.R.;C.B. MacMillan;R.M. Pfister
- Microbial Ecology: A conceptual Approach The aquatic environment Fletcher, M.;J. M. Lynch(ed.);N.J. Poole(ed.)
- Methods in microbiology v.5B Chemical analysis of microbial cells Herlbert,D.;P.J.Phipps;R.E.Strange;J.R.Norris(ed.);D.W.Ribbons(ed.)
- Acidic precipitation Effects of acidic precipitation on lakes ecosystems Harvey, H.H.;D.C. Adriano(ed.);A.H. Johnson(ed.)
- Methods in microbiology v.5B Chemical analysis of microbial cells Herlbert, D.;P.J. Phipps;R.E. Strange;J.R. Norris(ed.);D.W. Ribbons(ed.)
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.33 Use of nuclepore filters for counting bacteria by fluorescence microscopy Hobbie, J.E.;R.J. Daley;S. Jasper
- Acid rain and acid waters Howells, G.
- Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology(9th ed.) John, G.H.;R.K. Noel;H.A.S. Peter;T.S. James;T.W. Stanley
- Statistical ecology Ludwig,J.A.;J.F.Reynolds
- Ecology of microbial communities Diversity in freshwater microbiology Jones, J.G.;M. Fletcher(ed.);T.R.G. Gray(ed.)
- Proceedings. '96 Symposium of Korean Society of Limnology Trophic state of reservoirs in Korea Kim, B.C.;J.H. Park;G.S. Hwang;K.S. Choi
- Statistical ecology Ludwig, J.A.;J.F. Reynolds
- Biochemical tests for identification of medical bacteria Macfaddin, J.M.
- Water Air and Soil Pollution v.69 Controlled experimental acidification of lake sediments and resulting trace metal behavior Matschullat, J.;M. Wyrobek
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.43 Effects of acid on plant litter decomposition in an Arctic lake McKinley, V.L.;J.R. Vestal
- J. Appl. Bacteriol. v.75 Effects of pH and temperature on heterotrophic bacteria in acidified and non-acidified Iochs Rattray,J.;N.A.Logan
- Microb. Ecol. v.14 The community structure of sessile heterotrophic bacteria stressed by acid mine drainage Mills, A.L.;L.M. Mallory
- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.40 Aspects of diversity measurement for microbial communities Mills, A.L.;R.A. Wassel
- Ph.D. Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Microbiological studies of three Adirondack streams exhibiting pH gradients Osgood, M.P.
- J. Appl. Bacteriol. v.75 Effects of pH and temperature on heterotrophic bacteria in acidified and non-a-cidified lochs Rattray, J.;N.A. Logan
- Microbial ecology of a brackish water environment Rheinheimer, G.
- NTSYS-pc, Numerical taxonomy and multivariate analysis system, version 1.80 Rohlf, F.J.
- Acidification of freshwater ecosystems, implications for the future Changes caused by acidification to the biodiversity: Productivity and biogeochmical cycles of lakes Schindler, D.W.;C.E.W. Steinberg(ed);R.F. Wright(ed)
- Environ. Monit. Assess. v.12 Losses of biota from American aquatic communities due to acid rain Schindler, D.W.;S.E. Kasian;R.H. Hesslein
- Acidic precipitation Effects of acidic precipitation on the biota of freshwater lakes Stokes, P.M.;E.T. Howell;G. Krantzberg;D.C. Adriano(ed.);A.H. Johnson(ed.)
- Microb. Ecol. v.9 Change in water and sediment bacterial community structure in a lake receiving acid mine drainage Wassel, R.A.;A.L. Mills