보건소 기능의 중요도에 따른 자원배분의 적절성 평가

The evaluation of the appropriateness of resource allocation in a community health center

  • 전기홍 (아주대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 송미숙 (아주대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 정지연 (아주대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 김찬호 (경기도 수원시 권선구 보건소)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This study was performed to evaluate the appropriateness of resource allocation based on the ranking of health center function. Through the Delphi processes, health center functions were ranked in order of importance as follows; planning and research, followed by health education, health promotion, management of chronic diseases, health screening tests, welfare activities, mental health services, medical personnel management, medical services, prevention of communicable diseases, maternal and infant health services, housekeeping, management of oral hygiene, nutrition services, surveillance for community health services, family planning, and administration of the health center. In relation to the above priorities, the allocation of manpower was not appropriate. Even though the expert groups emphasized on functions such as planning and research, health education, and health promotion, they inputted more personnel for administration of a health center, maternal and infant health services, and medical services which were evaluated with lower importance. The budget allocation showed the same trends as the above. Although the functions such as planning and research, health education, and health promotion, and management of chronic diseases were evaluated highly, the budget was allocated accordingo to the the results of the former fiscal year rather than on the importance of function. However the budget for nutrition services, surveillance for the community health services, family planning, and administration of a health center was allocated according to priority. Based upon the above findings, community health center should be given the opportunity to make their own ranking of health center function and to allocate their resources including personnel and budget in order to improve the responsibilities and roles of the community health center.



  1. 보건행정학회지 v.5 no.2 도시 보건소 보건의료서비스 이용의 결정요인 강복수;이경수;김천태
  2. 행정학 연구 김규정
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  9. 학술 세미나 자료집 지방자치하에서 보건행정체계 문옥륜
  10. 국민건강증진법령집 보건복지부
  11. 노인복지사업지침 보건복지부
  12. 보건사업지침 보건복지부
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  16. 한림대학교 사회의학연구소 주최 정책토론회 자료 건강 보장 선진화를 위한 지역보건사업 활성화 방안 송건용
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