다항목 매트릭스 식생평가 기법 식생의 자연성 평가에 대한 새로운 기법과 그 적용 -

Multicriterion Matrix Technique of Vegetation Assessment - A New Evaluation Technique on the Vegetation Naturalness and Its Application -

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


A new evaluation technique, i.e. multicriterion matrix technique, on the vegetation assessment was proposed and compared with several techniques having been previously used in the environmental impact assessment. Four criterias and 10 subcriterias were selected for two evaluation indices such as vegetation naturalness value and vegetation class. These criterias were characterized by syntaxonomical informations of hemeroby concept and potential vegetation, hierarchical system between criterias, and ordinal scale of vegetation naturalness valuse. Vegetation naturalness values were classified into 11 ordinal levels and condensed to five vegetation classes for facilitating practical use. In the example study two sites were compared by using two indices. This technique could have useful applications for ssessment of regional vegetation. A vegetation map of naturalness described by combination of two indices was proposed in order to illustrate regional vegetation naturalness.



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