The radiation pattern calculation of the electromagnetically coupled microstrip dipole array antenna using the FDTD method

FDTD 방법을 이용한 전자기결합 마이크로스트립 다이폴 배열안테나의 복사패턴 계산

  • 손영수 (한국기계연구원 장비개발실) ;
  • 윤현보 (동국대학교 전자공학과)
  • Published : 1997.07.01


The current on the thin planar structure as an element of the transversely fed electromagnetically coupled(EMC) microstrip dipole array antenna is obtained by using the integral forms of the finite difference time domain(FDTD) method. This method was applied to calculating the optimum current distribution (Doplh-Tchebyscheff distribution) of each dipole element on the feed line as a function of their offset positions for the narrow main beam width and the side beam level below -20 dB. The current on each dipole substitutes for the electric and magnetic current densities on the virtual surface of the FDTD calculation to express the far field intensity, the calculation time and the computer memeory can be reduced to about 80% and 1.3 Mbyte, respectively. The calculated radiation patterns are compared to the measured values and these are in good agreement.



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