계단형 불연속 함수의 근사화를 위한 새로운 모듈형 신경회로망 학습 알고리즘

A new modular neural network training algorithm for step-like discontinuous function approximation

  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


Theoretically, a multi-layered feedforward network has been known to be able to approximate a continuous function to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. However, these networks fail to approximate discontinuous functions when they are trained by well-known training algorithms. This paper presents a training algorithm which doesn't work consists of one or more modules, which are trained in a sequential order within subspaces of the input space, and is trained very rapidely once all modules are trained and merged. The experimantal results of applying this method indicates the proposed training algorithm is superior to traditional ones such as baskpagation.



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