Development of Ecotechnology for the Biotope creation in Korean Rural Area -With a Special Reference to Dragonfly Biotope-

농촌지역에서의 생물서식공간 조성기술의 개발(1) -잠자리 서식환경 조성을 중심으로-

  • 구진혁 (고려대학교 자연자원 연구소 연구원) ;
  • 심우경 (고려대학교 조경학전공 주임교수)
  • Published : 1997.04.01


Owing to the urbanization, the industrialization and joining to WTo, there are lots of fallow and abandoned farmlands in Korea. Those results have occurred inefficient land use and destruction of agricultural ecosystem with the secondary succession and invasion of alien weeds. Using these fallow and abandoned farmlands, Korean government tries to create the ecological parks for the nature conservation, amenity, education and research, etc. For these purposes, materials on the ecological park construction were gathered from abroad such as England, Germany, Switzerland and Japan and also field trips to those countries were executed in April,1996. Accordingly, the goal for the ecological parks could be set suitably to Korean situation as of Japanese styles which are characterized by man-made biotopes. For a case study, dragonfly was selected as an indicator of the rehabilitation of water-side ecosystem, arid a site was selected for the dragonfly biotope under the criteria of selection to the Experimental Farm of Korea University including near abandoned farmlands (Dogok-ri, Wabu-eup, Namyangju city Kyunggi-do). Natural and cultural factors of this site were inventoried and analyzed, and then with the results dragonfly biotope was planned to the site with the detailed ecotechnology.



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