Effects of Feed Protein Quality on the Protein Metabolism of Growing Pigs - Using a Simulation Model -

성장기 돼지의 단백질대사에 사료단백질의 질이 미치는 영향 -수치모델을 사용하여-

  • 이옥희 (용인대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1997.08.01


This study was conducted to describe qualitatively the protein metabolism of pigs during growth depending on the feed protein quality and to describe quantitatively amino acids requirements, using a simulation model. The used model has a non-linear structure. In the used model, the protein utilization system of a pig, which is in the non-steady-state, is described with 15 flux equations and 11 differential equations and is composed with two compartments. Protein deposition(g/day) of pigs on the 30th, 60th, 90th, and 120th day of feeding duration with three-quality protein, beginning with body weight 20kg, were calculated according to the empirical model, PAF(the product of amino acid functions) of Menke, and was used as object function for the simulation. The mean of relative difference between the simulated protein deposition and PAF calculated values, lied in a range of 8.8%. The simulated protein deposition showed different behavior according to feed protein quality. In the high-quality protein, it showed paraboloidal form with extending growth simulation up to 150eh day. So the maximum of protein deposition was acquired on the 105th day of simulate growth time and then it decreased fast. In the low-quality protein, this form of protein deposition in the course of simulated growth did not appear until 150th day. The simulated protein mass also showed a difference in accordance with feed protein quality. The difference was small on the 30th day of simulated growth, but with duration of the simulated growth it was larger. On the 150th day the simulated protein deposition of high quality protein was 1.5 times higher as compared to the low-quality protein. The simulated protein synthesis and break-down rates(g/day) in the whole body showed a parallel behavior in the course of growth, according to feed protein quality. It was found that the improvement of feed protein quality increased protein deposition in the whole body through a increase of both protein synthesis and breakdown during growth. Also protein deposition efficiency, which was calculated from simulated protein deposition and protein synthesis, showed a difference in dependence on the protein qualify of feed protein. The protein deposition efficiency was higher in pigs fed with high quality protein, especially at the simulation time 30th day. But this phenomena disappeared with growth, so on the 150th day of growth, the protein deposition of the high feed protein quality was lowest among the three different quality of feed protein. The simulated total requirement of the 10 essential amino acids for the growth of pigs was 28.1(g/100g protein), similar to NRC. The requirement of lysine was 4.2(g/100g protein).

Simulation의 결과와 PAF식으로 계산된 성장기의 단백질 축적량과의 상대적 차이는 8.8%를 보여 본 연구의 타당성이 확인되었다. 성장률을 나타내는 총 체단백질량에 대한 단백질 축적량은 양질의 단백질을 섭취 할 경우 성장함에 따라 parabolic 형태를 띄나, 사료단백질의 질이 낮아짐에 따라 150일 simulation 기간내에 이러한 형태는 사라졌다. 성장하는 동안 단백질 회전의 두요소가 항상 병행하여 증가하였다 단백질 합성량과 분해량은 서로 병행하여 단백질 질에 따라 차이를 보였는데, 질이 높은 단백질을 섭취하였을 때 단백질 축적의 증가는 높은 단백질 합성량과 분해량에 의해 일어남 을 보여 주었다. 이는 근육단백질의 대사형태(5)를 반영하며, 그리하여 돼지의 총 단백질대사는 근육단백질에 의해 결정됨을 확인해 주었다. 그리고 단백질 질이 낮을 경우 매일의 단백질 대사율과 성장률이 저하할 뿐 아니라 성장지연도 일어남을 보여 주었다 본 연구에서 추정된 필수아미노산의 총 필요량은 28.1g이며, 일반적으로 돼지 사료의 제1 제한 아미노산인 lysine의 필요량은 4.2g이다. 이러한 아미노산 필요량은 NRC에서 권장하는 균형잡힌 아미노산 조성과 유사하다. 이와 같이 본 연구는 동위원소를 사용한 실험을 시행할 필요없이 simulation을 통해 다양한 질의 사료단백질에 따른 단백질 축적량에 대한 자료만으로 성장기의 단백질 회전률과 단백질대사의 동적행위를 나타내어 식이의 단백질 질의 변화에 적응하는 기전을 나타낼 수 있음을 보여주었다.



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