- J. Algebra v.71 Lie ideals and derivations of rings J. Bergen;I. N. Herstein;J. W. Kerr
- Bollettino U.M.I v.6 Lie ideal and nil derivations L. Carini;A. Giambruno
- Pro. Amer. Math. Soc. v.107 no.1 an nilpotent derivations of prime rings C. L. Chuang
- Canad. Math Bull v.26 no.3 Nilpotent of derivations L.O. Chung;J. Luh
- Pro. Amer. Math. Soc v.90 Nilpotent of derivations, on an ideall L.O. Chung;J. Luh
- Pro. Amer. Math. Soc v.91 no.3 Nilpotent of derivations II L.O. Chung;J. Luh
- J. algebra v.83 On the centrallizers of ideals and nil derivations B. Felzenszwalb;C. Lanski
- Rend. Circ. Math Palermo v.30 Derivations with nilpotent values A. Giambrno;I. N. Herstein
- J. Math v.23 no.4 On derivations with powers vaanishing on one-sided ideals chinese P. Grzeszczuk
- Canad. Math. Bull v.21 no.3 A note on derivations I. N. Herstein
- Canad. Math. Bull v.22 no.4 A note on derivations II I. N. Herstein
- J. Algebra v.60 Center like elements in prime rings I. N. Herstein
- Ring with Involution I. N. Herstein
- Topics in Ring Theory I.N. Herstein
- Algebra and Logic v.17 Differential identities of prime rings V. K. Kharchenko
- Comm. in Algebra v.22 no.4 Derivations with nilpotent values on left ideals C. Lanski
- Pro. Amer. Math. Sec. v.108 no.1 derivations with nilpotent values on Lie ideals C. Lanski
- Amer. Math. Sec. v.98 no.1 Note on nilpotent derivations P. H. Lee;T. K. Lee
- Chiness J. of Math v.9 no.2 On derivations of prime rings P. H. Lee;T. K. Lee
- Pacific J. Math v.104 On the iterates of derivations of prime rings W. S. Martindale;C. R. Miers
- Pro. Amer. Math. Soc v.8 Derivations in prime rings E. C. osnes
- Canad. Math. Bull v.39 no.3 Derivations of higher orrder in prime rings Y. YE;J. Luh