- Logic Colloquium 1978 Continuity in Intuitionistic Set Theories M. Beeson
- Akademisch proefschrift Over de grondslagen der wiskunde L. Brouwer
- Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Philosophy v.III Consciousness, Philosophy and Mathematics L. Brouwer
- Collected Works v.1 Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics L. Brouwer;Arend Heyting(ed)
- The Foundations of Arithmetic(2nd ed) G. Frege;J. L. Austin(trans.)
- Philosophy in the Mid-century; A survey Intuitionism in Mathematics A. Heyting;Raymond Klibansky(ed)
- Intuitionism: An Introduction(3rd rev. ed) A. Heyting
- Mathematics The Loss of Certainty Morris Kline
- Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy Michael Polanyi
- Atti delconvegno internazionale di storia della logica, S. Gimignano Anne Sjerp troelstra;Vito Michele Abrusci(ed);Ettore Casaari(ed);massimo Mugnai Bologna(ed)
- Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science H. Weyl
- 주체는 죽었는가 강영안
- 대한수학교육학회 논문집 v.5 no.1 현대 수리철학의 특징과 수리철학을 위한 대학교육과정의 한 예 박창균