Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (한국수산과학회지)
- Volume 30 Issue 3
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- Pages.334-339
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- 1997
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- 0374-8111(pISSN)
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- 2287-8815(eISSN)
Treatment of Aquacultural Recirculating Water by Foam Separation - II. Characteristics of Solid Removal -
포말 분리법을 이용한 양어장 순환수 처리 - II. 고형물 제거특징 -
- SUH Kuen-Hack (Department of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
LEE Min-Gyu
(Department of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
- LEE Min-Soo (Department of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
- KIM Byong-Jin (Department of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
- KIM Eun-Jung (Department of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University) ;
- CHO Moon-Chul (Department of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University)
- 서근학 (부경대학교 화학공학과) ;
(부경대학교 화학공학과) ;
- 이민수 (부경대학교 화학공학과) ;
- 김병진 (부경대학교 화학공학과) ;
- 김은정 (부경대학교 화학공학과) ;
- 조문철 (부경대학교 화학공학과)
- Published : 1997.05.01
The feasibility of foam separation to remove solid produced from fish culture water was investigated. Performance characteristics of foam separator were highly dependent upon the operating parameters which were superficial air velocity, Hydraulic retention time (HRT), and foam height. About
포말 분리법에 의한 양어장 순환수 중의 고형물 제거 특성을 조사하였다. 장치의 효율에 영향을 미치는 주요인자들은 공탑 공기유속, 체류시간, 그리고 포말층의 높이였다. 측정된 양어장수 시료 내에는 총 단백질량의 약