퍼지 신경망에 의한 퍼지 회귀분석

Fuzzy Regression Analysis Using Fuzzy Neural Networks

  • 권기택 (동양대학교 산업공학과)
  • 투고 : 19960200
  • 발행 : 1997.06.30


This paper propose a fuzzy regression method using fuzzy neural networks when a membership value is attached to each input-output pair. First, a method of linear fuzzy regression analysis is described by interpreting the reliability of each input-output pair as its membership values. Next, an architecture of fuzzy neural networks with fuzzy weights and fuzzy biases is shown. The fuzzy neural network maps a crisp input vector to a fuzzy output. A cost function is defined using the fuzzy output from the fuzzy neural network and the corresponding target output with a membership value. A learning algorithm is derived from the cost function. The derived learning algorithm trains the fuzzy neural network so that the level set of the fuzzy output includes the target output. Last, the proposed method is illustrated by computer simulations on numerical examples.
