The Comparative Study of Oriental Medicine in Korea, Japan and China

한국(韓國)과 일본(日本) 및 중국(中國)의 동양의학(東洋醫學)에 대한 비교연구(比較硏究)

  • Cho, Ki-Ho (Department of Circulatory Internal medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • 조기호 (경희대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실)
  • Published : 1998.04.30


During these days of new understanding, western medicine has developed remarkably and a revaluation of traditional medicine has been achieved. This appears to have resulted from the sound criticisms of what western medicine has achieved up to now; excessive subdivisions of clinical medicine, severe toxicity of chemical drugs, lack of understanding about patients complaints which cannot be understood objectively, and etc. It is thought that the role of traditional medicine will be more important in the future than it is now. Someone said that the research methods of traditional medicine depends on the way of experimental science too much. That there was no consideration of a system for traditional medicine and the critic also went so far as to assert that in some cases the characteristics of eastern ideas is to permit irrationalism itself. In view of this thinking, the term traditional medicine seems to have been used somewhat too vaguely. However, traditional medicine is a medical treatment which has existed since before the appearance of modern medicine and it was formed from a traditional culture with a long history. One form of traditional medicine, oriental medicine based upon ancient Chinese medicine, was received in such countries as Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Tibet, and Mongolia. Oriental medicine then developed in accordance with its own environment, race, national characteristics, and history. Although there are some simultaneous differences between them, three nations in Eastern Asia; Korea, Japan, and China, have especially similar features in their clinical prescriptions and medical literature. These three nations are trying to understand each others unique traditional medicines through numerous exchanges. Even though many differences in their ways of studying have developed over history exist, recent academic discussions have been made to explore new ways into oriental medicine. Therefore a comparative study of oriental medicine has gradually been thought to be more important. In Korea the formation of a new future-oriented paradigm for oriental medicine is being demanded. The purpose of the new paradigm is to create a new recognition of traditional culture which creates an understanding of oriental medicine to replace the diminished understanding of oriental medicine that was brought about by the self-denial of traditional culture in modem history and cultural collisions between oriental and occidental points of view. Therefore, to make a new paradigm for oriental medicine which is suitable for these days, and fortifies the merit of oriental medicine while compensating its defects, the author has compared the characteristics of oriental medicines in Korea, Japan, and China. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The fundamental differences of the traditional medicines of these three nations are caused by the differences in the systems of Naekyung and Sanghannon. 2. The pattern-identification of illnesses is generally divided into two categories; the pattern identification of Zang-Fu and the pattern identification of prescription. 3. There are many differences in the definition of terms, such as Yin and Yang, Deficiency and Excess, and etc. 4. Chinese traditional medicine has some new concepts about pattern identification and epidemic febrile disease. 5. Japanese traditional medicine has some characteristics about pattern identification of the whole bodys condition and signs of abdominal palpation. 6. In terms of the effects of herbal drugs, Chinese traditional medicine attaches great importance to the experiential efficacy of the herb, and Japanese traditional medicine is taking a serious view of the effects of experimental medical actions.



  1. Traditional Medicine and Health Care Coverage Robert H. Bannerman;John Burton;陳文傑(津谷喜一郎 譯)
  2. 東洋醫學 大塚恭男
  3. 第42會 日本東洋醫學會學術總會 講演要旨 漢方科學化に對し疑問と期待 裵元植
  4. 漢方の特質 大塚敬節
  5. 東西生藥考 大塚恭男
  6. 漢方の晦床 v.36 no.2 東ァジァ傳統醫學史年表の試み 津谷喜一郎
  7. 漢方の臨床 v.41 no.9 古代ァジァ醫學の專統 大塚恭男
  8. 漢方診療醫典(第5版) 大塚敬節;矢數道明;淸水藤太郎
  9. 대한한방내과학회지 v.18 no.1 일본동양의학의 氣血水說에 관한 고찰 조기호;강병종;寺澤捷年;後藤博三;김영석;배형섭 등
  10. 中醫臨床 v.3 no.1 日本鍼灸と中國鍼灸 山下 九三夫
  11. 中醫臨床 v.11 no.2 <日本中鍼灸の異と同>につぃて(座談會) 海老原讓治;島田隆司;兵頭明;淺川要
  12. 대한원전의사학회지 v.5 동의학의 성립에 대한연구-허준의 동의보감을 통하여 박찬국
  13. 東洋醫學思想史 石田秀實
  14. 近代中西醫論爭史 趙洪鈞
  15. 中國醫學の歷史 傅維康(川井正久 編譯)
  16. 日本東洋醫學雜誌 v.32 no.3 日中漢方醫學(20世紀)の歷史的槪觀 矢數道明
  17. $\cdot$중 중풍병학술대회 참가논문집 대한한의사협회
  18. 제2회 한$\cdot$중학술대회 참가 논문집-간장병 대한한의사협회
  19. 1997 한중학술대회 '97 국제어혈심포지엄 논문집 대한동의병리학회
  20. 제4회 한$\cdot$중학술대회 발표 논문집 대한한의사협회
  21. 東洋醫學 v.22 no.6 韓醫學(韓國傳統醫學) 金成俊
  22. 東洋醫學 v.22 no.7 韓醫學(輯國傳統醫學訪問記) 金成俊
  23. 日本東洋醫學雜誌 v.3 no.1 中國に渡つた日本の漢方醫學 岡西爲人
  24. 東洋醫學 v.19 no.3 慢性肝炎治療の日中漢方$\cdot$鍼灸の比較 檢討(特別座談會) 小高修司;岡田硏吉;淺川要;中村謙介;橫田觀風
  25. 東洋醫學 v.20 no.3 難病治療の日中比較(1)(特別座談) 矢數道明;屠伯言
  26. 中醫臨床 v.25 no.2 五笭散1 坂田鎭明;佐久間章雄;壓司良文
  27. 對比で學ぶ漢方入門 村松睦
  28. 21세기와 한국 전통문화 홍일식
  29. The Clash of Civilizations And The Remarking Of World Order Samuel P. Huntington(이희재 역)
  30. 한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화연구(II) 한국한의학연구소 기초이론연구실
  31. 中醫臨床 v.14 no.4 中國傳統文化と中醫學 李心機
  32. 과학철학이란 무엇인가 朴異汶
  33. 문명의 위기와 문화의 전환 朴異汶
  34. 近世漢方醫學史 曲直瀨道三學とれの學統 矢數道明
  35. 中國醫學古典と日木-書誌と傳承- 小曾戶洋
  36. 일본동양의학잡지 v.46 no.4 日木漢方醫學の傳承と系譜 山田光胤
  37. 中醫臨床 v.5 no.1 江戶時代における復古醫學について(1) 長澤元夫
  38. 中醫臨床 v.5 no.2 江戶時代における復古醫學について(2) 長澤元夫
  39. 中醫臨床 v.5 no.1 江戶時代における復古醫學について(3) 長澤元夫
  40. 中醫臨床 v.5 no.1 江戶時代における復古醫學について(4) 長澤元夫
  41. 漢方の臨床 v.43 no.6 日本漢方醫學凋落の軌跡 黎志鐘
  42. 東洋醫學 v.24 no.5 日本漢方醫學の衰えた軌跡 黎志鐘
  43. 漢方の臨床 v.36 no.1 今なぜ中醫學理論か 桑木崇秀
  44. 日木東洋醫學雜誌 v.36 no.2 日本漢方のロ訣につぃて 岡野正憲
  45. 漢方の臨床 v.36 no.1 日本の漢方醫學と中國の中醫學との特質の比較-日本で硏修中の中醫の立場から 兪雪如
  46. 漢方-春夏秋冬 根木幸夫
  47. 日木東洋醫學雜誌 v.44 no.5 漢方諸學派について 佐藤弘
  48. 日木東洋醫學雜誌 v.44 no.5 漢方諸學派について 佐藤弘
  49. 醫學の歷史 小川鼎三
  50. 大塚敬節著作集 第8卷 考證編 大塚敬節
  51. 日本醫學史綱要 1 富士川游(小川鼎三 交注)
  52. 症例から學ぶ 和漢診療學 寺澤捷年
  53. 大地 三浦於菟
  54. 日本東洋醫學雜誌 v.46 no.4 活方としての日本漢方 山崎 正壽
  55. 中醫辨證學 柯雪帆(兵頭明 譯)
  56. 中醫臨床 v.6 no.4 日中漢方交流につぃて 有地滋
  57. 中醫臨床 v.6 no.3 日本と中國の漢方の交流 鍋谷欣市
  58. 日本東洋醫學雜誌 v.30 no.3 日木の漢方 伊藤淸夫
  59. 大塚敬節著作集 別冊 東洋醫學史 大塚敬節
  60. 東洋醫學 v.17 no.5 中醫學と日本漢方の違ぃ 平馬直樹
  61. 日木東洋醫學雜誌 v.43 no.1 中醫學と比較した漢方醫學の病態認識たつぃて 兪雪如
  62. 漢方腹診講座 藤平健
  63. 漢方の臨床 v.37 no.7 日本古方醫學派の<傷寒論>硏究における實學思想とみの意義 顧旭平
  64. 대한한방내과학회지 v.18 no.1 한방의 복진법에 관하여-韓醫學에서의 복진법 도입에 대한 접근시도- 조기호;喜多敏明;寺澤捷年;문상관;고창남;김영석 등
  65. 中醫雜誌 v.30 no.10 瘀血腹診的探討 王階;陳可冀
  66. 東醫寶鑑(新增版) 許浚
  67. 現代醫療と漢方藥 谿忠人
  68. 平成藥證論 渡邊武
  69. 日本東洋醫學雜誌 v.14 no.4 藥方の分量につぃての考察 藤平健
  70. 漢方の臨床 v.36 no.2 日中藥用量相異の背景 眞柳誠
  71. 東洋醫學を知ててぃますか 三浦於菟
  72. 中醫臨床 v.11 no.3 中醫學と日本漢方の接點としてのエキス劑 村田恭介
  73. 日本東洋醫學雜誌 v.5 no.3 中國醫學と治療 陳存仁
  74. 漢方診療のレシスソ 花輪壽彦
  75. 東洋醫學槪說 長濱善夫
  76. 漢方醫學テキスト治療編 日本漢方醫學硏究所(監修)
  77. 中醫臨床 v.8 no.3 日本の漢方醫學 侯召棠
  78. 中醫臨床 v.3 no.2 日本における腎槪念の收受と變遷 安正廣迪
  79. 漢方藥の藥能と藥理 谿忠人
  80. 中醫臨床 v.10 no.2 證に關する認識の歷史寸的變遷 肖德馨
  81. 中醫臨床 v.10 no.3 證の中國近代化における代表的認識 肖德馨
  82. 中醫臨床 v.10 no.4 證に關する槪念および臨床的意義 肖德馨
  83. 漢方の臨床 v.39 no.11 日本漢方と中醫學の接點としての<證> 村田恭介
  84. 中醫臨床 v.2 no.4 傷寒論硏究の交流につぃて 伊藤淸夫
  85. 中醫臨床 v.6 no.3 中醫を修得すたぬに 丁光迪
  86. 中醫臨床 v.5 no.3 <證の硏究>をめぐる日本と中國 の考え方-<傷寒論と內經に由來すねつの學術體 系- 沈自尹
  87. 現代醫學と漢方の倂用療法 室賀昭三;菊谷豊彦(監修)
  88. 漢方保險診療-循環器科領域- 三谷和合;菊忠人(編)
  89. 東西醫學-基礎と臨床應用- 曾野維喜
  90. 臨床漢方處方學 曾野維喜
  91. 東西醫學融合による循環器病の診療 原全康平
  92. 漢方の臨床 v.43 no.4 日本漢方のパラダイム確立 吉岡信