An Oriental Medical Study on the Anorexia An Emphasis on the Etiology and Pathology of the Anorexia

식욕부진(食慾不振)에 대(對)한 한의학적(韓醫學的) 고찰(考察) - 병인병리(病因病理)를 중심(中心)으로 -

  • Choi, Su-Deock (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Wonkwang University) ;
  • Won, Jin-Hee (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Wonkwang University)
  • 최수덕 (원광대학교 한의과대학 광주한방병원) ;
  • 원진희 (원광대학교 한의과대학 광주한방병원)
  • Published : 1998.10.30


The main purpose of this work is the study on the etiology and pathology of the anorexia in oriental and western medicine. An appetite is stimulated by the need of supply of nutrition for life and the physical desire of hunger which appeared as the alternative of taste. In this paper, I investigated the anatomical and the physiological function system, the Piwei functional system and meridian distribution, and the differentiation of the disease according to the Zangfu(internal organs) in association with the anorexia. And conclusion could be summarized as follows : 1. The tongue, one of the Piwei functional system(脾胃機能系), is connected with Pi(脾), Xin(心), Gan(肝) and Shen(腎) meridian. Especially Pi and Xin meridian have the close relations with taste. 2. The appetite has the close relations with Piwei. The appetite and digestion is influenced by the function of smoothing and regulating and bloodflow of Ki(肝主疏泄), warming the Shen to activate the function of Pi(腎主溫養), cleansing the inspired air and keeping the Ki flowing downward(肺主肅降). 3. The cause of anorexia is the insufficiency of Ki of Piwei(脾胃氣虛), the attack of Wei by hyperactive Gan Ki(脾氣犯胃), the insufficiency of Wei Yin(胃陰不足), the declination of the fire from the vital gate(命門火衰) and the retention or stagnancy of undigested food (飮食停滯). Especially, the main cause of anorexia is the insufficiency of Ki of the Piwei(脾胃氣虛). 4. Recently the attack of Wei by hyperactive Gan Ki(脾氣犯胃) is raised by the main cause of anorexia. 5. The mental function of anorexia, which is induced by the unbalance of Pi, is directly associated with Xin(心) and Xin meridia(心經). 6. The goal of the treatment of the anorexia is dependent on the recovery of the weakness of the Pi. And for this goal, the disorders of the other organs is also treated. 7. In the point of the anatomy and physiology, the main cause of anorexia is the loss of function of the autonomic nerve system and the vagus nerve.



  1. 임상비만학 대한비만학회
  2. 대한한의학회지 v.8 no.1 식욕부진에 대한 문헌적 고찰 申鉉沂(외 4名)
  3. 生理學 이상돈;성호경
  4. 인체해부학 노민희;용준환;이용덕
  5. 圓光韓醫大 論文集 v.6 脾主運化에 관한 東西醫學的 고찰 朴恩貞;朴鎬湜
  6. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永
  7. 黃帝內經 楊維傑
  8. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  9. 編註醫學入門 李梴
  10. 東垣脾胃論譯釋 大田大學校 韓醫科大學 第五期卒業準備委員會
  11. 鍼灸甲乙經(欽定四庫全書) 皇甫謐
  12. 難經譯釋 華陀
  13. 傷寒論辭典 劉渡舟
  14. 肘後備急方(欽定四庫全書) 葛洪
  15. 巢氏諸病源候論(欽定四庫全書) 巢元方
  16. 類證普濟本事方(欽定四庫全書) 許叔微
  17. 仁齋直指(欽定四庫全書) 楊士瀛
  18. 濟生方(欽定四庫全書) 嚴用和
  19. 衛生寶鑑 羅天益
  20. 赤水玄珠(欽定四庫全書) 孫一奎
  21. 證治準繩(欽定四庫全書) 王肯堂
  22. 普濟方(欽定四庫全書) 朱橚
  23. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  24. 景岳全書 張景岳
  25. 醫學實在易 林朗暉
  26. 石室秘錄 陣士鐸
  27. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  28. 雜病源流犀燭(心氏尊生書) 沈金鰲
  29. 血證論 唐容川
  30. 證治彙補 李用粹
  31. 類證治裁 林佩琴
  32. 張氏醫通 張璐
  33. 醫學心悟 程國彭
  34. 中醫證候鑑別診斷學 趙金鐸;張鏡人;張震
  35. 中醫內科 岺鶴齡
  36. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙;崔達永
  37. 中醫症狀鑑別診斷學 中醫硏究院
  38. 實用中西醫結合診斷治療學 陳貴延;楊思澍
  39. 胃病自療法 江靈珠
  40. 實用中醫消化病學 洪文旭;洪泓
  41. 中醫胃腸病學 李乾构;王自立
  42. 中醫脾胃學說 危北海
  43. 東醫脾系內科學 文錫哉;朴鎬煶;李起男;文九;崔賢(共著)
  44. 中醫臟象學 錢承輝;王慶其