Search of Experimental Studies(35) on Anti aging and Anti oxidant in Korea

국내문헌(國內文獻)(35)에 나타난 항노화(抗老化) 및 항산화(抗酸化)의 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)에 대(對)한 검색(檢索)

  • Ahn, Sang-Won (Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Oriental Medicine College, Taejon University) ;
  • Lee, Cheol-Wan (Korea Research Institute of Geriatrics)
  • Published : 1998.10.30


35 theses conducted in Korea on the topic of senescence or anti-oxidant were classified on the basis of research methods, animals used for the experiments, and research items. Evaluating these research works with respect to the Free Radical Theory, the following conclusions were reached. 1. Of the 17 theses written in the Oriental medicine aspect, three theses used a single herb, nine theses used a complex prescription, four theses concentrated on the usage of the medicinal acupuncture, and one research paper focused on using scientific components. Common objection of these papers were on the verification of the efficacy of herbs. 2. Of the 18 these written in the Western medicine aspect, five theses used a single drug, seven theses conducted a research on the changes due to senescence, and 6 papers were on variety of topics. The main focus of these works were on the mechanism and pathology related to the senescence rather than on the suppression of senescence. 3. Among the theses written in the Oriental medicine perspective, a total of 48 herbs were utilized. 26 of these herbs has a tonification function on the Kidney. Six out of nine complex prescription mentioned above has a function of tonifying the Kidney. 4. With respect to the research subjects used on the experiments, 8 theses have used Senescence-Accelerated mice, 13 theses have used Sprague-Dawley mice, and remaining 7 papers have used human or other animals. 5. These are the categorization of the research items used: the weight (11) and weight changes of the visceral organs (9), the measurement of the content of peroxide-disease (9), the measurement of enzyme vitality (21), the blood and urine test (10), the experiment concerning immune system (3), the influence on the hepatic capability of metabolizing foreign substance (3), the effect on hepatic cell protection (3), the measurement of both the suppression of Free Radical and ability to create Free Radical (2), the measurement of effect of suppresing MDA(malondialdehyde) (4), the effect of eliminating DPPH Radical (2), and experiements about the functions (2). 6. The rate of vitalization of well known anti-oxidants such as Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Protein-bound SH, Nonprotein-bound SH, Glutathione(GSH), Catalase, and etc. were tested in 17 theses. Considering the conclusions mentioned above, the theses related to the senescence published in Korea elected different animals used for experiments, research items and the methods of research, the end result seems to be a lack of objectivity. Thus, I would argue that research methods to overcome such a deficiency need to be developed systematically.



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  7. 장수학 리정복
  8. 傳統老年醫學 李聰甫
  9. 養生壽老集 林乾良
  10. 프리라디칼 金永坤(外)
  11. 世界 長壽村 探訪 李吉相
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  16. 慶熙大學校論文集 v.18 no.2 鹿蔘地黃湯이 抗老衰에 미치는 影響. 蘇敬順(外)
  17. Free radicals, Aging and degenerative Disease Free radical theory of aging : Role of free radicals in the organization and evolution of life, aging and disease prosesses. Harman, D;Johnson, J.E.(et al)
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  21. 高麗人蔘,高麗紅蔘 및 total-saponin의 抗酸化 作用 裵基采
  22. 老化防止를 위한 韓藥劑의 效能 硏究 김정숙(외)
  23. 東國論集 自然科學篇 v.15 柴胡가 free radical에 의한 脂質過酸化物 生成에 미치는 效果 문진영(외)
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  29. 平補湯이 老化에 미치는 影響 金潤子
  30. 東國論集 v.15 更年1號丸의 抗酸化 活性에 관한 硏究 이현숙
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  32. 抗酸化作用에 對한 杜冲葉藥針의 實驗的 硏究 成日煥
  33. 白何首烏 藥針의 抗酸化 作用에 關한 實驗的 硏究 李鍾賢
  34. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.17 no.2 胡桃藥針液의 抗酸化 效果에 對한 硏究 金永海(外)
  35. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.17 no.2 흰쥐의 肝 組織에서 鹿茸 藥針 製劑의 抗酸化 作用에 關한 硏究 尹哲浩(外)
  36. B.E.P가 老化RAT의 肝內 過酸化 脂質 및 代謝酵素系에 미치는 影響 楊棟元
  37. 高麗人蔘의 老化抑制作用에 關한 硏究 崔鎭浩
  38. 人蔘이 老化促進생쥐의 老化에 미치는 影響 李榮九
  39. 翰林大學論文集 v.16 몇 가지 생약 Methanol 추출물의 抗酸化 效果 金永姬(外)
  40. 哲明硏究論業 v.9 山査 추출물의 抗酸化 效果에 關하여 金貞淑(外)
  41. 關東論文集 v.20 생강 추출물의 抗酸化 效果 崔榮辰(外)
  42. 쥐의 腦와 肝에서 protein Carboxyl methlation의 老化에 따른 變化 이혜란
  43. 老化促進 마우스에서 老化에 따른 肝臟의 superoxide生成 및 抗酸化能의 變化 김윤경
  44. 老化에 따른 흰쥐 시상하부 vasopressin 및 oxytocin 分泌細胞의 變化 김희섭
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  48. 食餌脂肪의 種類가 흰쥐의 老化過程中 腎臟機能에 미치는 影響 李宣周
  49. 老化 및 食餌制限에 의한 腎臟,抗酸化 酵素의 調節 김기숙
  50. 老化促進생쥐에서 나이에 따른 皮膚組織의 酸化狀態와 抗酸化劑의 變化 1994-00-00 金性勳
  51. 老化促進생쥐에서 산소라디칼 관련 물질의 검색에 관한 硏究 양재수
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  53. 老化過程에서 食餌制限에 의한 Xanthine dehydrogenase/ Xanthine oxidase 遺傳子 發顯 및 酵素變換에 關한 硏究 송상호
  54. 비타민 A가 老化 흰쥐의 肝臟에 미치는 影響 조현국
  55. 本草學 全國韓醫科大學敎授(編)
  56. 本草學 李尙仁
  57. 小兒藥證直結 錢乙
  58. 東醫臨床方劑學 尹吉永
  59. 中醫建腦 江蘇科學技術出版社
  60. 聖濟總錄(卷下) 趙佶
  61. 景岳全書(下) 張介賓
  62. 中國名方精釋 于世良
  63. 聖濟總錄(上) 曹孝忠
  64. 陳西中醫 v.14 no.4 以補腎爲主治療更年期綜合症臨床硏究 羅元豊 等
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  72. B.E.P.(Biological Energy Progetor)의 器機的 性質과 B.E.P.가 물에 미치는 影響 박호군
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