An Awareness of Welfare Facility for the Elderly and It's Related Factors of College Students

노인복지시설(老人福祉施設)에 대한 대학생(大學生)의 의식(意識)과 관련요인(關聯要因)

  • Published : 1998.12.29


For the newly approach of policy with the old aged era at hand, the result which examines the 1,200 students attending professional colleges and upward in three small-to-medium sized cities, for two months, from October 1, 1996 to November 30, in order to know the change of consciousness of the growing modern young intellectual age group is as follows. 1. The objects of survey consist of 72.1% of women, 40.4% of 20 to 21 age, 49.1% of atheists, and people from big cities and fishing and agrarian village occupy equally 40.2%. Concerning the long-termed residents, 49% of them dwell in big cities. In case of the parents' age is more than 55, 31.5% in fathers, and 10.9% in mothers. 2. The types of housing in which they desire to reside in their getting older are : 72.8% of them hope to live in individual houses, 16.6% in apartments or villas, and 3.4% in social welfare facilities. Out of respondents, compared with other groups, man rather than woman, those who are 20 to 21 age group and from fishing and agrarian villages and have over 7 family members and live with their parents have a higher preference for independent houses. 3. The districts in which they hope to live when they are old are : 41.6% of them, with the highest percent, hope to live in farming villages, the older they are, the more they hope to live in agricultural district, and women of 21 years and upward hope to live in big cities. On the other hand, the preferable degree for social welfare facilities is higher each in people who are 24 years and upward, buddhists, self-boarding students, and the more poorly they are off, the higher the percent is. 4. The types of preferable welfare facilities for the elderly are : 58.2% of them think silver towns desirable, 28.4% think the charged (or free) elderly welfare facilities. Compared with other groups, the percentage which prefer silver towns is higher in women, people from big cities, residents of main family, long-termed city residents, people with higher income, people having grandparents alive, and people who had experience of taking lectures on hygienics or social welfare. 5. 50.3% of the respondents insist that provision of living expenses against old age should be insured by social security system, and 42.8% by the elderly themselves. The percentage of the former shows higher in people of 21 years and upward, women, residents of fishing and agrarian villages, christians, people in more needy circumstances and people who have experience of using a medical institution. 6. Compared with other nations, 54.5% of the respondents have an opinion that elderly welfare and welfare work in Korea stays in insufficient level and most of them are women, people from farming village, residents of head family, people having younger parents and people being worse health condition, and they have a more positive attitude about the elderly welfare work. 7. 92.3% of the respondents answered that a national budget for the elderly welfare is scarce, and the percentage is higher in people who are older, residents of big cities, people in lower living condition and people in worse health condition. 8. 35.2% of the respondents answered that the proper cost of their old age must be over 220mi11ion. The more a family's total income is, the higher the percentage is. 9. The factors which have an effect on the preference of silver towns are sex(p<0.01, the type of the present residence(p<0.05), and a family's total income(p<0.05). 10. From the survey result of the above, we comes to the conclusion that, for the sake of welfare of the increasing elderly population, government authorities and parties concerned must exert their utmost for the elderly welfare by increasing a budget of it and establishing a number of facilities of the elderly welfare and silver towns located in fresh and comfortable villages. In addition, they have to set up a course of hygienics in all the colleges and instruct the contexts on hygienic welfare as well.



  1. 한국노년학 v.17 no.1 한국노인의 보건행태와 관련요인 분석 김문환;남철현
  2. 고령화 사회를 향한 노인복지의 실천과제 v.11 김수춘;임동권;서미경;오경석
  3. 노인복지 현황과 정책과제 김수춘(외)
  4. 한국노인복지정책연구 김영모
  5. 평생교육의 체제와 사회교육의 실태 김중서(등)
  6. 한국노년학회지 v.9 노인성 질환의 추세와 대책 김진열
  7. 예방의학과 보건학 남철현;김광호;이기남;이선동
  8. 노인복지사업지침 실버산업의 현황과 정책과제 문현상;정우진;김유경;김동배
  9. 치매노인의 재가복지서비스 현황과 정책과제 서미경;오경석;오영희
  10. 현대건설주식회사 기술연구소 용역 과제 보고서 노인복지시설을 위한 기초 연구 송성진;최성재;이연숙
  11. 공중보건학 예민해;남철현;황연자
  12. 노인생활실태 분석 및 정책과제 이가옥;서미경;고경환;박종돈
  13. 한국노년학연구 v.4 노인복지대책 및 프로그램에 관한 연구 이영철
  14. 노인복지학 장인혁;최성재
  15. 국민의 노후생활에 대한 전망과 대책에 관한 연구, 국민연금보험 가입자를 대상으로 최성재
  16. 경제활동인구연보 통계청
  17. 가정 및 사회에 있어 노인의 지위 및 권위의 변천 하상락
  18. 한국노년학회지 v.5 한국노인의 보건실태조사 허정;이선자
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