Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 29
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- Pages.65-103
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- 1998
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
인터넷으로부터의 주제지향 정보자원의 수집 및 조직
This study aims to examine both the theoretical framework and practical method for the building a subject-oriented collection of information resources form Internet. Through the study, a few conclusions as well as a suggestion were derived. 1. Conclusions : (1) The continuous learning and studying by the librarians working in the information society is required in order that they could have a broader recognition of the existence of various resources from Internet by subject, and that they could be armed with a greater ability to evaluate for the information filtering. (2) The use of a subject directory to collect needed information resources form Internet revealed the necessity for going through many steps linked by hierarchical indexes till arriving at the desired information, and accordingly the great time was needed to conduct the work. (3) In case of using various search engines, since the output of the relevant information largely depends on the adequate defining of the topic, the right selection of search terms and the accurate methods of inputting the keywords, systematic organization of the resources is not simple and easy. The classifying work of collected resources for the topic into the broader categories differs from that of the resources form other topics, for example, psychology, because of the idiosyncrasy of the contents of the each topic. (4) As one method to provide more revolutionary value-added service using Internet, it is necessary for the librarians to learn the skills to build the Web resource pages of subject-oriented collection of information resources from Internet on the specific subject. 2. A suggestion : Since the study did not complete the collection and organization of the information resources from the Internet on this topic, the remaining research and task should be the thorough collection of resources and the building the Web resource pages consisting of interconnecting links of indexes by spending greater time.