Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 28
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- Pages.171-192
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- 1998
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
Information services for small and medium industry
중소기업을 위한 정보서비스 체제
This study attempts to developing an organizational model for industrial information service a n.0, pplicable to industrial su n.0, pporting organization in every industrial sectors. A n.0, ppropriate institutions which provide industrial information would be industrial associations, industrial research and development institutes. The proposed industrial information services could be Kumi Information Center for Industrial Technology (KICIT) and information Center of Machinery and Materials (ICOMM). KICIT has established in cooperation with the Kumi city and Kumoh National University of Technology (KNUT) su n.0, pporting the finance and technology management respectively. ICOMM has established within the framework of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials. Major activities of ICOMM is to provide local companies with better extension services on technology information.