Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (한국도서관정보학회지)
- Volume 28
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- Pages.219-262
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- 1998
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- 2466-2542(pISSN)
미술작품 전시회 카타로그에 관한 연구:예술사적 특수자료서의 가치와 도서관에서의 관리
For many years art libraries have been concerned about the problem resulting from the addition of exhibition catalogs to general art collection. Those who work or research in the art field agree that exhibition catalogs are great value, and in many cases, the essays and documentary material contained in these catalogs may be the only source of information on particular artists. This paper contains two purposes. One is to settle the exhibition catalog as a specific form of publication in the library. In theoretical aspect, this material is handled in definition, form, historical development and the position and specification. Another is to manage exhibition catalog in the library. In practical aspect, this material is handled in aquisition, classification, cataloging and use.