병원행정부서인력의 업무수행수준분석

Performance of Administrative Personnel in Hospitals

  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


The hospital is characterized by it's remarkable labor industry and human resources input by unit. Recently, the administrative personnel are recognized as important staff to provide a hospital guidance to consumer and also easiness for consumer's visit to hospital. The objectives of this study is to find the performance of the administrative personnel in hospitals. The unit of analysis is the hospitals and data was collected form 144 staffs in 5 hospitals. Self administered questionnaire was given to analyze the general characteristics of staft such as age, sex, education, experience, and performance level in terms of frequency, ability, necessity of tasks. The major findings are as follows: 1. The 5 major tasks such as general affairs, insurance related affairs, hospital statistics, admission/discharge, and analysis of treatment cost were analyzed. Performance level of these tasks were not showed consistent level. It means that the same task was showed both high level performance and low level one. 2. The higher rates of performance level, ability and necessity were found, below 29 years of age, junior college graduates and university hospital than that of general one. 3. Factors mostly affected to performances were found as characteristics of hospital, age and education. 4. Concerning the various manpower management, On the job training, incentive mechanism and colose relationship among units were somewhat lack. In conclusion, most responded administrative personnel have performed actively in dealing with their tasks. however, the performance level and ability of the same task were showed differently, it means that such routine works were not standardized. Therefore, standardization and specification of tasks should be developed to strength the performance. Finally, this study is the first attempt to find out the performance of the administrative staffs and the study results imply that further study could be neeed to promote the performance of administrative personnel efficiently and effectively.



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