팔공산에서 식생과 토양에 미치는 산불의 영향

Effects of fire on Vegetation and Soil nutrients in Mt. palgong

  • 심학보 (경상북도자연학습원) ;
  • 김원 (경북대학교 생물학과)
  • Sim, Hak-Bo (Province of Kyungsangbuk-Do Nature Studying Institute) ;
  • Kim, Woen (Department of Biology, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


This study was carried out to investigate the developmental process of plant community during the secondary succession and changes of soil properties in the burned areas lapsed 28 years after the forest fire in Mt.Palgong. The forest fire occurred on March, 1969 and the red pine (pinus densiflora) forest and its floor vegetation were burned down. The results are summarized as follows: the floristic composition of burned and unburned areas were composed of 49 and 48 species of vascular plants, respectively. The dominant species based on SDR4 of the burned sites were Lespedeza maximowicxii(87.75), Carex humilis (62.94), Rhododendron schippenbachii(55.78) and Miscanthus sinensis var.purpurascens (51.94). In contrast, Pinus densiflora (81.17), Quercus serrata (53.58)m Carex humilis (53.11) and Miscanthus sinenis var. purpuracens (52.42) were dominant in the unburned area. The biological spectra showed the $H-D_1-R_5-e$ type in both areas. The indices of similarity (CCs) between the two areas were 0.80. Degree of succession (DS) was 734 in the burned area and 809 in the unburned area. The species diversity (H) and evenness indices (e) in the burned and unburned areas were 2.05, 2.13 and 0.53, 0.55, respectively. Dominance index (C) in the burned and unburned areas were 0.30 and 0.32, respectively. Soil properties such as soil pH, content of organic matter, total nitrogen, total carbon, exchangeable potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium in burned area were comparatively higher than those of unburned area. Monthly changes of soil properties were of little significance except for some cases. These results suggest that there was relationship between trend of vegetation recovery and the changes of soil properties after the forest fire. Mixed forestation of fire-resistant species and nitrogen fixation species will be effective for reforestation after the forest fire.



  1. 한국생태학회지 v.5 산화적지의 식생회복에 관한 생태학적 연구. 강상준;이종태
  2. 경북대학교 논문집 v.42 팔공산의 산화학적지의 2차식생과 2차 천이. 김원;박창규;조영호
  3. 경북대학교 교육대학원 논문집 v.26 용수동지역의 산화지 및 비산화지의 군락구조와 2차 천이 김원;심학보
  4. 한국생태학회지 v.12 소나무림 산화적지의 이차천이 및 종다양성 김원
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  7. 식물학회지 v.24 치악산의 식생과 토양에 미친 산불의 영향 박봉규;김종희
  8. 고성산불지역 생태조사 결과보고서 산림청임업연구원
  9. 한국생태학회지 v.16 섭제골 지역의 산화지와 비산화지의 군락구조 비교. 심학보;김원
  10. 한국생태학회지 v.19 초례산의 산화지와 비산화지의 식물군집구조 및 토양성분의 동태. 심학보;김원
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