Feature Recognition: the State of the Art

  • JungHyun Han (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sung Kyun Kwan University)
  • Published : 1998.03.01


Solid modeling refers to techniques for unambiguous representations of three-dimensional objects. Feature recognition is a sub-discipline focusing on the design and implementation of algorithms for detecting manufacturing information such as holes, slots, etc. in a solid model. Automated feature recognition has been an active research area in stolid modeling for many years, and is considered to be a critical component for CAD/CAM integration. This paper gives a technical overview of the state of the art in feature recognition research. Rather than giving an exhaustive survey, I focus on the three currently dominant feature recognition technologies: graph-based algorithms, volumetric decomposition techniques, and hint-based geometric reasoning. For each approach, I present a detailed description of the algorithms being employed along with some assessments of the technology. I conclude by outlining important open research and development issues.



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