Dietary Compliance among Men Participating in a Controlled feeding Study of fiber Supplementation

  • Yoon, Hei-Ryeo (Department of Nutrition and Medical Dietetics, University of Illinois at Chicago)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


The study was undertaken to assess the degree to which subjects were compliant with a specific metabolic diet in a controlled outpatient feeding study. The study consisted of a two-week control period in which subjects consumed a control diet consisting of 38-40% fat, 18-20% protein, 40-42% carbohydrate, followed by a three-week experimental period during which each subject consumed the control diet plus one of the four fiber supplements(20g/4ay) assigned on a random basis on the trust day. All meals were prepared and eaten in a metabolic feeding laboratory, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday meals that were packed for take-out. Fifty-seven healthy adult men, aged 18-65 years participated in the study. Dietary compliance index(CI) defined as the percent deviation of actual consumption from the prescribed food's and unconsumed prepared foods. The CI reflected the additional 'non-prescribed foods' and unconsumed 'prescribed foods'. A CI was calculated for all subjects. A CI of 5% or more was defined as poor compliance. Overall, dietary compliance was substantially improved for the entire group over the course of the study. Significant increase in compliance far energy and macronutrient intake occurred between the baseline and experimental periods. Within a non-obese group, dietary compliance fir energy improved from 5.5% to 3.3% by the end of the study(week 1vs week 5, respectively, p<0.05). However, between non-obese and obese group, dietary compliance was not different. (Korean J Nutrition 31(5) : 957-964, 1998)
