- 無異解 남병길
- 數學九章(전사자본) 진구소
- 四元玉騙 주세걸
- 紺恨方蒙來(전사자본) v.2 이상혁
- 荑幕 v.2 이상혁
- 敗圓海銅 이치
- 益古潢倍 이치
- 九章術解(전사자본) v.9 남병길
- 수학사대전 김용운;김용국
- 수학사의 이해 김용국(외 1명)
In the Chosun Dynasty Nam, Byung-Gil(another name is Nam, Sang-Gil alias Won-Sang; 1820-1869) made a research comparing Chinese traditional mathematics with western mathematics, which missionaries who came to China at the end of Ming Dynasty introduced. He particularly studied fundamental differences between Chinese and western methods to solve algebraic equations. He wrote an article "Moo-Ee-Hae", in which he insisted that the two methods are eventually same though they are different in the고 expressions. His article has big significance as the first mathematic paper in the history of Korean mathematics.thematics.