- 대우학술총서 자연과학 v.109 중국수학사 김용운;김용국
- 현대대수학(제3판) 김응태;박승안
- 한국수학학회지 v.9 no.2 20세기 수학의 패러다임 - 20세기 전·후반의 수리철학을 중심으로 박창균
- 실해석학 Bressoud, David M.;허민;오혜영(역)
- Bulletin of the Amer. Math. Soc. v.47 Some Aspects of the Problem of Mathematical Rigor Curry, Haskell B.
- New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics Fidelity in mathematical discourse: Is one and one really two Davis, P. J.;Thomas Tymoczko(ed.)
- 수학적 경험(하) Davis, P. J.;Hersh, R.;양영오;허민(역)
- 수학: 새로운 황금 시대 Devlin, K.;허민(역)
- 수학 세계 탐험기 Devlin, K.;허민;오혜영(역)
- 수학의 위대한 순간들 Eves, H.;허민;오혜영(역)
- 수학의 기초와 기본 개념 Eves, H.;허민;오혜영(역)
- New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics Is Mathernatical Truth Time-Depencent Grabiner, J. V.;Thomas Tymoczko(ed.)
- The American Mathematical Monthly v.102 Fresh Breezes in the Philosophy of Mathematics Hersh, R.
- Social History of Nneteenth Century Mathematics, Henk Bos, Ivo Schneider Origins of the program of arithmetization of mathematics Jahnke, H. N.;Otte, M.
- Mathematics Magazine v.64 Rigor and Proof in Mathematics: A Historical Perspective Kleiner, I.
- Mathermatical Thought from Ancient to Modern Tiems Kline, M.
- Mathematics Teacher v.91 no.8 NCTM
- Bulletin of Amer. Math. Soc. v.34 Mathematical rigor, past and present Pierpont, J.
- A Source Book in Mathematics Struik, D. J.
- American Scientist v.59 Modern' Mathematics: An Educational and Philosophic Error Thom, R.