18세기 수학의 '형이상학'

  • 박창균 (서경대학교 응용수학과)
  • Published : 1998.12.01


This paper aims to analyze the phenomena of eighteenth-century mathematics and to find the "metaphysics" of the period which made them possible. It shows that mathematics in eighteenth-century was "mixed" and result-oriented and that eighteenth-century metaphysics emphasized the real and natural.he real and natural.



  1. 고학사 개론 김영식(편저)
  2. The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development Boyer, Carl B.
  3. A History of Mathematics Boyer, Carl B.
  4. Journal of the History of Ideas The Evolution of the Term Mixed Mathematics Brown, Gary I.
  5. Cours d'Analyse de L'Ecole Royale Polytechnique Cauchy, A.L.
  6. The Mechanization of the World Picture: Pythgoras to Newton, Translated Dijksterhuis, E. J.;C. Dikshoorn
  7. The Historical Development of the Calculus Edwards, C.H.
  8. 수학의 위대한 순간들 Eves, H.;허민;오혜영(역)
  9. New Directions in the Philosophy of Mathematics Is Mathematical Trhth Time-Dependent Grabiner, J.V.;Thomas Tymoczko(ed.)
  10. The Origins of Cauchy's Rigorous Calculus Grabiner, J.V.
  11. Reappraisals of Scientific Revolution Methaphysics and the New Science Hatfeld, Gary;David C. Lindberg;Robert S. Westman
  12. Mathematics Magazine v.64 Rigor and Proof in Mathematics: A Historical perspective Kleiner, I.
  13. Mathematics in Western Culture Kline, Mooris
  14. Mathematics: The Loss of Cerainty Kline, Mooris
  15. From Natural History to the History of Nature: Readings from Buffon and his Critics Lyon, John;Sloan, Phillip R.(ed.)
  16. Personal Konwledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy Polanyi, Michael
  17. A Source Book in Mathematics Struik, D. J.