Toxicological Research
- Volume 14 Issue 2
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- Pages.163-169
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- 1998
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- 1976-8257(pISSN)
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- 2234-2753(eISSN)
The Effect of Fluoride and Aluminum on Bone Turnover in Mouse Calvarial Culture
- Ahn, Hye-Won (Department of Environmental Engineering College of Engineering The University of Suwon)
- Published : 1998.06.01
Fluoride (F), over a narrow concentration range, increases bone formation. Aluminum (Ai) too is biphasic in its action on bone, being mitogenic at very low levels and inhibitory at higher levels. Both F and Al are present in finished drinking water where the chemical interaction of these two agents is well characterized. F and AI, given individually, accumulate preferentially in bone. In addition. in vivo studies have shown that F causes the co-accumulation of Al in bone. Thus, it was necessary to determine the interactive effect of these two agents on bone mitogenesis. Calvaria were obtained from neonatal CD-1 mice and cultured with various concentrations of F (0.05~19 ppm) as NaF, Al (2 ppb~2 ppm) as
- Fluoride;
- Aluminum;
- Bone turnover;
- Mouse calvarial culture;
- Alkaline phosphatase activity;
- $\beta$-glucuronidase activity