Toxicological Research
- Volume 14 Issue 2
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- Pages.183-191
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- 1998
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- 1976-8257(pISSN)
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- 2234-2753(eISSN)
Genernal Pharmacological and Acute/Subacute Toxicity Test of House Dust Mite Extract in Mice, Rats, and Guinea pigs
마우스, 랫트, 해명에서 집먼지 진드기 추출물의 일반 약리시험과 급성 및 아급성 독성에 관한 연구
It has been reported that 50~70% of child asthma, bronchial asthma in adult, and allergic rhinitis are caused by house dust mite. The antigen extracted from house dust mite has been used for effective treatment against allergic diseases and for clinical test. This house dust mite antigen has been entirely imported from abroad. However, the composition and content of all the antigen imported vary from a brand to other brand. Thus, we need to standardize the composition and content of the antigen by developing it domestically. We proceeded pre-clinically general pharmacological test and toxicological test that are required for the eventual human use by utilizing the house dust mite cultured in Korea. In order to obtain information on general pharmacological tests such as its toxic signs in tissues or organs which are mainly affected, we examined the effect of house dust mite on the tensions of the isolated tissues and heart rates of cardiac muscle by recording with force displacement transducer of polygragh (Glass Model 7). We determined lethality of antigen extracted from house dust mite in mice and guinea pigs. We examined acute and subacute toxicity by administrating house dust mite extract of 500, 100, 20 times of the expected clinical dose. In male and female mice and guinea pigs, given a sigle intraperitoneal dose of antigen,