Seasonal Changed of Microbial Population in the Field Soil

계절에 따른 토양중 미생물의 밀도 변화

  • Park, Dong-Jin (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology, KIST) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Hwa (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology, KIST) ;
  • Kim, Chang-Jin (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology, KIST)
  • Received : 1998.07.03
  • Accepted : 1998.09.12
  • Published : 1998.09.01


Soil microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes were seasonally isolated at depths (0.5~2, $10{\pm}1$, $50{\pm}1cm$) of field. The frequency of microbial isolates was employed for the determination of microbial population (CFU/g dry soil) and distribution ratio (%) in soil. Both bacteria (24-fold) and actinomycetes (7-fold) exhibited the biggest change at the depth of $50{\pm}1cm$, whereas fungi showed the maximum (13-fold) at $10{\pm}1cm$. On the whole, the bacterial population was high in spring soil, fungi in winter, and actinomycetes in autumn. Soil microorganisms also exhibited the seasonal variation on their distribution ratio (%). The maximum distribution ratio (85.7%) of bacteria was observed at the depth of $50{\pm}1cm$ in spring, whereas bacteria showed the minimum (35.2%) at the depth of $10{\pm}1cm$ in spring. The maximum distribution ratio (23.0%) of fungi was found at the depth of $50{\pm}1cm$ in spring, whereas its minimum (0.5%) at the depth of $10{\pm}1cm$ in spring. Actinomycetes exhibited the maximum distribution ratio (45.2%) at the depth of $10{\pm}1cm$ in spring, whereas its minimum (12.2%) was showed at the depth of $50{\pm}1cm$ in spring.

공시 토양의 0.5~2 cm, $10{\pm}1cm$, $50{\pm}1cm$깊이에서 계절에 따라 토양 시료를 채취한 후 희석 평판법을 이용하여 세균, 곰팡이, 방선균의 분리 빈도를 측정하였다. 이 결과들을 근거로 토양 미생물의 밀도(집락수/g 건조 토양)와 상대적 분포율(%)을 조사하여 계절 변화에 따른 미생물들의 분포 변동을 분석하였다. 계절에 따른 토양 미생물들의 밀도 변화에서, 세균(24배)과 방선균(7배)은 $50{\pm}1cm$깊이에서 가장 큰 변동을 나타내었고 곰팡이는 $10{\pm}1cm$깊이에서 가장 큰 변동(13배)을 나타내었다. 또한 전반적으로 세균은 봄에, 곰팡이는 겨울에, 방선균은 가을에 높은 토양밀도를 나타내었다. 한편 계절에 따른 토양 미생물들간의 상호 분포율 변화에서, 세균은 봄에 $50{\pm}1cm$깊이에서 상당히 높은 분포율(85.7%)을 나타내는 반면 여름에 $10{\pm}1cm$깊이에서는 낮은 분포율(35.2%)을 나타내었다. 곰팡이의 분포율은 겨울에 $50{\pm}1cm$깊이에서 크게 증가한 (23.0%) 반면 봄에 $10{\pm}1cm$깊이에서는 극히 낮은 분포율(0.5%)을 나타내었다. 방선균은 겨울에 $10{\pm}1cm$깊이에서 높은 분포율(45.2%)을 나타내는 반면 봄에 $50{\pm}1cm$깊이에서는 낮은 분포율(12.2%)을 나타내었다.
